Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

    The restaurant for the engagement was chosen by Qiao Han, and it was in the banquet hall of the hotel in the city center.

    It was the hotel where she and Long Qianye stayed yesterday.

    The engagement banquet was relatively simple. In addition to the three protagonists Qiao Han, Long Qianye and Qiao's father, there were Qiao Yu, the head of the Qiao family, and Jiang Yuan, the old commander of the military department.

    Qiao Yu was in a state of confusion the whole time. In fact, since he heard the news that Qiao Han and Long Qianye were engaged, his brain was not enough.

    Although there are few AA engagements, with the opening up of the imperial society in recent years, this incident is not too shocking. Qiao Yu has seen some of them, even among his direct nephews. So Qiao Yu quickly accepted the engagement of Qiao Han and Long Qianye.

    And in the morning, he saw Long Qianye and Qiao Han walking out of the house holding hands, with that intimate expression, if there was nothing between them, who would believe it.

    With Qiao Ming's invitation, Qiao Yu and Long Qianye had a conversation.

    To Qiao Yu's surprise, Long Qianye was not as vicious as Qiao Sha said, not only had a gentle attitude, but also had a feeling of wanting to be close.

    It's just that the feeling disappeared when he turned around, which made Qiao Yu feel a little bit lost. Fortunately, building a relationship with Long Qianye was smoother than he thought. With Qiao Ming's help, Long Qianye agreed to recommend a direct descendant of the Qiao family to join the army.

    This is a golden opportunity for the Qiao family, who have only wandered around the prison's three-acre land for decades. After Qiao Yu returned to the main courtyard, he directly "invited" Wu Zhan out of the house, making up his mind to stand in the military headquarters.

    As for the platinum mine, of course Qiao Yu didn't dare to embarrass Qiao Han. According to the old rules, the clan collected 5% of the tax, and Qiao Han allocated the rest.

    Qiao Yu's decision caused dissatisfaction among many people in the family, but the dissatisfaction was dissatisfaction. No one dared to trouble Qiao Han, or even dare to speak harsh words in front of Qiao Ming. Just kidding, the family's daughter is married to the Generalissimo of the Three Armies, Qiao Ming is the father-in-law of the Generalissimo, who dares to underestimate him.

    That's right, marry. The entire Qiao family thought that Qiao Han and Long Qianye were engaged, that Qiao Han married Long Qianye, even the patriarch Qiao Yu thought so.

    Qiao Yu didn't know that it was Long Qianye marrying Qiao Han until he came to the engagement site and the ceremony started!

    He was ignorant, as ignorant as he was, and Jiang Yuan, the old commander of the military department who rarely appeared in public.

    Although Jiang Yuan is nearly seventy years old, he is neither deaf nor blind, has silver hair, and is hale and hearty. He will retire next year, and his preferred successor is Long Qianye.

    Before Long Qianye was revealed to be from the Shijia faction, Jiang Yuan was more disappointed than anyone in the military department, thinking that he had misjudged. Later, when a murder case occurred, Jiang Yuan felt hopeful and paid close attention to the progress of the case. But because of hesitation in his heart, he did not intervene in the investigation.

    Two days ago, the case finally came to light, and Jiang Yuan knew that Long Qianye had been under the pressure of the Shi family and never did anything that would harm the military. Everything was caused by the Shi family.     On the day the case was settled, Jiang Yuan ordered the reinstatement of Long Qianye's position as marshal, and in order for Long Qianye to take over the post of commander in the future, he directly gave the management rights of the three armed forces.     As for Long Qianye, I don't know if it was because he became an O, or because he was with Qiao Han, his original stubbornness changed a lot, and his way of thinking about things changed a lot, so he invited Jiang Yuan to the engagement banquet this time.     Of course, Jiang Yuan was willing to participate in the engagement of the powerful love general. When he saw Qiao Han, he thought that Qiao Han was O, and secretly praised this little O for being cute, and he matched A's explosive Long Qianye very well.     Chatting at the banquet, Jiang Yuan knew that Qiao Han was A. Although I think it's a bit weird for AA to be together, but the junior has his own ideas, so he can't say anything.     In the end, Qiao Han was not only an A, but she was also married, and his capable and A-like lover was married. Commander Jiang is in a daze right now, extremely dazed.     What happened to the empire now? The changes are too fast for an old man like him to keep up.     Seeing the ignorance of Patriarch Qiao and Commander Jiang, Qiao Ming, who is a fake father-in-law and quasi-father-in-law, bit the bullet and said, "Hey, my Xiaohan will treat Long Shuai well. If she doesn't do well, I will One does not spare her."

    Is that the case? Patriarch Qiao and Commander Jiang looked at each other, seeing the same confusion in each other's eyes.

    This matter, why is it so strange.

    Jiang Yuan winked at Long Qianye, love general, if you are forced, just blink, I will bring the three armies to rescue you.

    Not only did Long Qianye not blink, but he solemnly expressed his willingness to marry Qiao Han, and Qiao Han also organized his plan to marry Long Qianye.

    Hey, today's young people, think about it once you think about it. Jiang Yuan secretly sighed, but still didn't say much.

    First of all, he is only Long Qianye's officer, not his parents, so he shouldn't interfere with his private affairs too much. Secondly, it's just an engagement, not a marriage, and what might happen in the future, maybe the two of them broke up. In the past three years, the army's attitude towards A Lian neither approved nor opposed, did not ask, and did not speak, so Commander Jiang remained silent.

    After the engagement banquet, Qiao Han and Long Qianye stayed in the city for two more days to help Qiao Ming settle down in the city center, and agreed that after coming back on the 20th of each month to treat Qiao Zhe, the two would take a boat back to Falling Star together island.

    Said the ship is not very appropriate, to be precise, this is a cruise ship.

    It wasn't that Long Qianye pretended to be a public servant, but that this cruise ship was just going to carry out a cruise mission in the waters near Falling Star Island, so he picked up the two of them by the way.

    So why not take a helicopter?

    Qiao Han and Long Qianye, who were nestled in the cabin, swaying with the waves, had their own answer.

    Qiao Han pinched the cat ears on Long Qianye's head for a while, and pinched the curly cat tail behind him for a while.

    "I remember bunny ears and tails in the bag, and fox ears and tails," she said as she moved.

    Long Qianye clutched the white pillow with both hands, blushing and beating heartbeat.

    She actually brought so many out.

    Suddenly, the radio on the ship rang, loud and shrill: "Attention all units, there is a group of whales ahead, and they are about to evade urgently. Please fix it nearby."

    Long Qianye, who was trapped in the soft bed, pushed Qiao Han on the body: "Avoid, avoid danger, don't, hurry up."

    Emergency avoidance means that the ship's hull tilts more than 30 degrees, and they will roll off the bed at that time.

    As Long Qianye wished, Qiao Han quickened his movements, making him teary.

    Come out, little milk ice.

    "Beep—" a sharp warning sounded, and the huge cruiser tilted to the right, and everyone and everything on the deck and in the cabin slid to the right.

    Of course, Qiao Han and Long Qianye were no exception, they slid directly to the ground. But at this moment, the ship tilted to the left, and Long Qianye, who was suppressed before...

    "Ah—" The sound mixed with pain and refreshment was overwhelmed by the siren, but the sudden change of position made people in the body... Open the narrow mouth and suck it tightly...

    The author has something to say: I will write a thank you letter tomorrow!

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