Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 14

    Wu Yi was going to die of anger these few days. The king squid he worked so hard to catch from the ocean was driven out of sight by the new warden. That dead old man Qiao Ming actually went to the head of the Wu family to sue him, which caused him to be severely scolded by the head of the family.

    Damn, this can't be left alone.

    Wu Yi asked his assistant where Qiao Han was. After learning that he was in the interrogation room on the first floor, he rushed to the interrogation room with a stack of financial reports.

    When he arrived at the door of the No. 3 interrogation room, Wu Yi looked around and saw no guards. He wondered in his heart: Didn't it mean that Qiao Han was interrogating Long Qianye? Why isn't there even a gatekeeper?

    Before Wu Yi pressed the doorknob, Qiao Han's voice came from the interrogation room.

    "What's the matter?"

    Without even opening the door, Wu Yi wanted to curse, but thinking of the patriarch's warning, he could only swallow his breath and said aggrievedly: "Director, the budget for the new season is not enough." "

    Information Put it down, wait until I finish the interrogation." Qiao Han's voice was always sweet and soft, but it sounded a little tense.

    The sense of disobedience in Wu Yi's heart became more and more serious. After putting down the materials, he lightly pressed the doorknob, and when he found that it couldn't be pressed, he walked to the small room next to the interrogation room.

    This hut is actually part of the interrogation room, because the glass on the wall of the interrogation room is very special, it is a one-way perspective glass, and the interrogation room can be seen from the hut. Then, Wu Yi found that the cabin was also locked.

    what happened? What happened in the interrogation room? What exactly are Qiao Han and Long Qianye talking about? Wu Yi frowned, the adult in the teacher's family said that he must keep an eye on Long Qianye and never give him a chance to go out.

    Wu Yi rolled his eyes and lifted his feet to the monitoring room on the second floor.

    The prison warden on duty in the monitoring room saw him and immediately stood at attention. Wu Yi asked the prison warden to call out the surveillance in the No. 3 interrogation room, and the prison warden looked embarrassed.

    "A few days ago when the warden was interrogating Long Qianye, the two got into a fight and broke the surveillance in Room 3."

    Wu Yi frowned even tighter. Why did Qiao Han interrogate Long Qianye so frequently? Did she notice something?

    At the same time, interrogation room No. 3.

    There are two chairs and a table in the room. The strange thing is that both chairs are empty, but there are two people on the table.

    No, to be precise, one is lying on the table and one is standing by the table.

    "Give it to me, hurry up, ah—"

    "Hey, this is the last time." Qiao Han kissed Long Qianye, his lips were wet with his sweat and tears.

    In the past few days, she has learned about the hot flashes under O, usually three to five days. During this period, inhibitors are needed or marked, and menstrual belts must be worn to prevent soiling of clothes.

    If the inhibitor is obtained from a formal channel, O himself must go to the pharmacy to register and buy it. Qiao Han, as a former Beta and current Alpha, naturally does not know about the informal channel. At present, the only way to solve Long Qianye's first tide is for her to mark it. So she kept Long Qianye "in confinement", firstly to prevent the leak of his being O, and secondly to facilitate marking.

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