Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

    Chase from the northern border will serve 30 years in prison for being suspected of intentional homicide. He has been in seven or eight prisons in five years, and he is a master of prison.

    Today, however, Chase faces the toughest challenge of his prison life.

    "Prisoners who are over 1.8 meters tall, come out."

    Under the eyes of the guards and prison wardens, Chase took a step forward in a daze.

    He looked around and saw that the other tall Alpha prisoners were just as dazed as he was.

    What's the matter, there is a discount for being tall and going to jail?

    Qiao Han, who was standing at the front, waved his hands, and the three wardens distributed fish baskets to the twenty or so tall Alpha prisoners.

    The Alphas took over the fish basket, looking even more confused. They're here to go to jail, not to fish. Especially Chase, he saw the sea for the first time in his life, let alone fishing, he couldn't swim at all.

    Facing the puzzled and impatient gazes of all the Alphas, Qiao Han looked at Sang Mian beside him.

    Sang Mian flipped through the files of about twenty Alphas, read out the prisoner numbers one by one, and then assigned tasks.

    "Your task today is to catch fish in Area A. The water depth in Area A is 1.3 meters. With your height, it doesn't matter if you can't swim. Just walk slowly. The fishing time is from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, ten o'clock at noon Eat and rest from 2:00 to 1:30, and after work is over, the fish and shrimps caught have to be handed in for inspection and weighing."

    When they heard that they were going to fish, the Alphas, who were around 1.8 meters tall, showed reluctance.

    It's so comfortable to work in the workshop, the wind can't blow, the sun can't shine, why should they be asked to go fishing in the sea, it's exhausting! Cut, so what if there are so many guards and prison wardens watching, they won't be able to fish honestly, who can't be a foreign worker.

    However, what Sang Mian said next stunned the Alphas who wanted to be lazy.

    "The person who catches the most will be rewarded with ten Honghua cigarettes."

    What? Are there rewards for catching fish? The reward is ten cigarettes? More than 20 Alphas cheered up together.

    Smoke, that's smoke! In prison, cigarettes are more expensive than food. A cigarette can make some alpha or beta who are willing to accept it obediently smoke all night!

    The Alphas, who were originally reluctant, immediately changed their faces, grabbing the fish reel and wishing to rush into the sea immediately.

    Those prisoners under 1.8 meters tall were in a hurry. Although they didn't dare to yell at Qiao Han in front of the fully armed guards and prison wardens, their whispers still reached Qiao Han's ears.

    "What's wrong with me not being tall? I'm good at swimming. I've been fishing in the river since I was a child. Why don't you choose me?

    " Fish, nima, let me live!"

    "I don't want to go into the factory, I want to catch fish, not because of those ten cigarettes, I just like fishing."

    The discussion arose, Qiao Han nodded with satisfaction, and looked at Mulberry sleep.

    The reason why Qiao Han asked Sang Mian to speak for her was mainly because her voice was too sweet and had no deterrent effect.

    So, Sang Mian loudly announced the full version of the fishing plan.

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