Chapter 42

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Chapter 42 I heard that he has a sweetheart

    The helicopter landed on the roof of Qiao's house. Qiao Yu covered his forehead and tried his best to protect his few hairs.

    The roar of the propellers gradually weakened, and Long Qianye and Qiao Han got off the plane. They both wore helmets, so they didn't have to worry about their hairstyles.

    Afterwards, Long Qianye and Qiao Han followed Qiao Yu downstairs and entered Qiao's grand living room.

    But unexpectedly, there was an unexpected guest in the living room.

    "Long Shuai."

    Shi Lin, the Minister of Finance of the Empire, who was about 50 years old, had a wrinkled face, with a smile on his face, and extended his hand politely.

    "Master." Long Qianye nodded slightly, not intending to shake hands at all.

    Shi Lin withdrew his hand with an embarrassing expression, and laughed at himself to the beautiful Omega female secretary beside him: "Hey, I really failed as the finance minister, and how to say hello depends on people's faces." The beautiful Omega female secretary covered her mouth and smiled

    : "Minister, why is this your fault? There are obviously some people."

    Long Qianye glanced at the female secretary, and the coldness that emerged from the sea of ​​corpses and blood frightened the female secretary to swallow the second half of the sentence immediately.

    Qiao Han looked at the head of the division, and then at Qiao Yu.

    The Minister of Finance is obviously from the Shi family. When she and Long Qianye came back, it happened so coincidentally that the Shi family was also there.

    Qiao Yu hesitated to speak, and apologized to Qiao Han in a low voice.

    Yesterday his youngest son, Qiao Sha, was engaged to Omega Yin Xing of the Yin family. Qiao Sha drank too much, and told the story of Long Qianye's coming to Qiao's house, which reached the ears of the teacher's family.

    The female secretary was afraid of Long Qianye, but Shi Lin was not. He held his breath and said,

    "Shuai Long doesn't know yet. Recently, all the investors in the prison have withdrawn their capital. Patriarch Qiao applied to our Ministry of Finance for an increase in funding. Came for this."

    "Hey, it's a pity that the Ministry of Finance has run out of funds for this year, so I can't help it. Patriarch Qiao, you too, what's wrong, the He, Lu, Shi, and Zhang families don't want to cooperate with your Qiao family, and you are too easy to offend I'm dead."

    Having said that, Shi Lin looked at Qiao Yu who was standing behind Long Qianye. The latter's complexion was originally not very good, and it became even darker after hearing the words.

    It turned out that since Qiao Yu rejected the Shi family and sent his eldest son to the military, the families who invested in the prison expressed that they would not continue to cooperate with the Qiao family and withdrew most of their funds. Now the major prisons are short of funds and can only barely maintain management.

    Of course, Qiao Yu knew that all of this was caused by the master's family, but the money was in the hands of others, so he couldn't force them to invest. He was angry, anxious and irritable, getting angry every day, and his hair became bald one after another.

    Seeing Qiao Yu's ugly face, Shi Lin felt much more at ease.

    It's just a fringe family in charge of the prison. If they want money but no money, they want status but no status, dog meat can't get to the banquet, and they dare to fight against the teacher's family? Let's see what you do now.

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