Chapter 43

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Chapter 43 Office

    Finally caught Qiao Han's attention, Yin Xing looked proud, but his eyes were full of resentment.

    Because of Qiao Han, he offended Long Qianye and made a big fool of himself. On the way back, he was coerced by Qiao Sha into losing his innocence, and he had to get engaged to that bastard.

    The more he thought about it, the worse he felt, Yin Xing didn't dare to trouble Long Qianye, so he blamed Qiao Han for all the resentment. Especially when he heard that Qiao Han and Long Qianye were engaged, Yin Xing gritted his teeth with hatred.

    Bah, an Alpha is willing to be female to another Alpha, what else can it be for? Qiao Han must have gone for Long Shuai's power, shameless, disgusting, and perverted.     "Let me tell you, Long Shuai will dump you sooner or later and stay with his sweetheart, then you will cry!" Yin Xing said triumphantly, as if he had seen Qiao Han who was abandoned by Long Shuai cry bitterly.     Too lazy to argue with fools, Joe raised her legs and walked out, she was going to ask someone what happened to using herself as a bait.     "Hey! Stop for me! Stop!"     Qiao Han didn't answer a single word from the beginning to the end, and Yin Xing, who was completely ignored, jumped up angrily. The joking eyes of those around him were like a reappearance of a nightmare, and he shouted at Qiao Han angrily:     "Long Shuai thinks you are just a novelty for a while, and there are many excellent people around him, even if he wants to find A, there are plenty of them. All of them are taller than you, handsomer than you, stronger than you!"     The petite figure paused.     Thinking that Qiao Han had been frightened, Yin Xing's face was full of pleasure, but this joy lasted for less than a second, and he suddenly felt very cold.     Looking down, his clothes were all torn for some reason, and there were countless shattered ice cubes scattered around him. The feeling of cold swishing was familiar. Yin Xing screamed and hugged himself, and found that the diamond ring on his hand was also shattered. up.     Amidst the sounds of surprise and discussion one after another, Qiao Han carried the shopping bag and left with a cold face.     After confirming that Long Qianye was still in the military headquarters with his wristband, Qiao Han called a taxi and headed to the military base in the west of the city.

    The brother who drove the taxi was a beta in his forties. He talked a lot. Seeing that Qiao Han's face was not very good, he asked her with concern if she wanted to go to the hospital. After being rejected, the brother was not angry. Gossip.

    Thinking about something in his heart, facing his brother's nagging, Qiao Han didn't say a word, and Baozi had a rare coldness on his face.

    Seeing Qiao's cold appearance through the rearview mirror, my brother got goosebumps all over his body and closed his mouth.

    This little girl looks cute, but her expression is too scary, as if she is going to settle accounts with someone.

    When approaching the destination, when encountering a red light, my brother stepped on the brakes and stopped behind the traffic line at the intersection.

    Across the road, a dark blue medium-sized truck unexpectedly ran a red light, and the car coming from the side was hit unexpectedly.

    The hood of the car was knocked off, and the medium-sized truck was tilted in the middle of the road. After a while, two people jumped out of the truck, and the owner of the car climbed out of the car with his face covered in blood.

    The two drivers in the van yelled at the owner of the car viciously, as if it was the injured owner of the car who was at fault, not them, who were unscathed.

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