Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 I Believe in You

    It was Sang Mian's voice, and Qiao Han quickly put on his uniform.

    "What's going on?" She opened the door and asked as she walked.

    "Inspector Geng heard a strange sound during his rounds just now, and found a hole in Long Qianye's cell." "

    Long Qianye ran away?"

    "Not yet, he is still in the cell, and the prison guards have watched him. "

    Qiao Han's footsteps paused.

    As an assistant, Sang Mian is passionate and loyal, but this mouth is too stupid to speak clearly.

    Qiao Han hurriedly entered the cell. The lights in the cell that had been turned off were now brightly lit. Some of the prisoners behind the iron fence stretched their heads and poked their brains to look around curiously, and some yelled and jumped up and down like monkeys. The prison guards looked nervous. , shouting "Quiet, Quiet" while holding an electric gun and banging on the fence.

    Noisy and noisy like a vegetable market.

    Qiao Han released her mental power. After this period of deliberate training, her mental power no longer needs pheromone as a carrier and can be released independently.

    The cold wind passed through, and the hot cell changed from a steamer to a refrigerator. Coldness makes people rational, and the yelling prisoner is as cold as a quail, calm down.

    Qiao Han came to Long Qianye's cell stepping on the frosty ground.

    The frost was blocked here, and the light array covered the small single cell. Long Qianye was leaning against the wall, half-closed his star eyes, raised his index finger, and the fingertips were surrounded by flame light.

    The dozen or so prison wardens guarding him crowded together in the corridor, and even Inspector Geng, who had broken into the cell before and found the big hole, was nestled in the crowd at the moment, not daring to step forward.

    Seeing Qiao Han, Inspector Geng with squinting eyes and mouth yelled, "Jail Warden, Long Qianye wants to escape from prison, stop him quickly! I will immediately report to the Imperial Capital Department of Justice, and this time he must be severely punished!" "

    I Need to listen to your command?" Qiao Han's face darkened.

    After she frustrated the deputy warden, most of the prison wardens looked like subordinates, but there were also some people who hadn't realized that the sky had changed, and jumped in front of her like fleas.

    "Get out of the way."

    Inspector Geng stepped aside with a livid face, looking at Qiao Han with hatred in his eyes.

    What's so great about splitting into a double S-level Alpha? The one locked in the prison is also a double S-level. To offend Deputy Chief Wu is to offend the Wu family. In a word, Deputy Chief Wu said that next month's supply will be a few days late, and then we will see if you, the prison director, dare to be so arrogant.

    Qiao Han didn't know that Inspector Geng and Deputy Chief Wu were playing tricks behind their backs. She opened the cell with her wristband, and walked in amidst the gasps of the crowd.

    Long Qianye stood up straight and took two steps forward. Although the flame disappeared, the halo was still running, as if he was ready to strike at any time.

    However, what surprised him was that not only did Qiao Han not attack him, but he dropped his mental power, and he didn't carry a weapon on him, so he had no defense against him.

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