Chapter 36

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Chapter 36 Good friend, you are fat

    The dock on Falling Star Island is small, and it is no problem for ordinary small cargo ships to berth, but such a huge cruiser will definitely not be able to stop.

    Fortunately, the cruise ship had its own kayak. After the ship stopped, Qiao Han boarded the kayak and headed to the coast.

    Long Qianye had to stay on the ship first, not with Qiao Han, because he had to allocate the affairs of the station.

    As the kayak approached the coast, seagulls flew over and circled above Lu Qiao's head.

    Ou Bao, who has a bad memory, flies around left and right, trying to identify the person in front of him.

    Qiao Han released the pheromone, and the mung bean-like eyes of Gubao narrowed intoxicatedly, and finally recognized Qiao Han, and happily stopped on her shoulder.

    A shadow appeared silently in the sea. The huge figure of the king squid was much bigger than the kayak, and it was frightening. The naval sergeant driving the kayak looked nervous and held down the gun at his waist.

    "It doesn't hurt people." Qiao Han explained, and the naval sergeant still pressed his gun with a look of disbelief.

    Qiao Han patted Ou Bao on the head, and let him lead Wu Wu away to play, but Ou Bao couldn't understand human words, so he still stuck to Qiao Han.

    It would be great if Qianye was here, Qiao Han thought.

    The ten minutes I left my baby, I missed him.

    A gift left for him, I don't know how much he absorbed.

    At the same time, Long Qianye, who was in a meeting, announced a break.

    He walked into the private washroom and loosened his belt uncomfortably.

    The belt that could be buckled to the fourth hole could only be buckled to the second now, and it was still tight, so Long Qianye could only put the button on the first.

    It was all because of Qiao Han's gifts. He said no, but she still wanted to give it.

    Long Qianye complained: "I've eaten so much, I don't know how long it will take to digest it." But with a smile on his face, he put down his loose coat.

    Through the round cabin window of the bathroom, he looked at the sea. In the vast sea, a small kayak could be seen faintly.

    In the twelfth minute of leaving Xiao Nai Bing, with a warm gift, I missed her.


    The kayak docked, Sang Mian, Wu Xiao, and six prison guards were waiting early, when Qiao Han stepped off the kayak, everyone gathered around to greet him.

    This kind of treatment is really not what it used to be. The last time Qiao Han came, he was slapped by Wuwu and slapped him to the shore, and he waited for a long time before someone came out.

    "The warden, I look forward to the stars and the moon, but I look forward to you back. Are you tired? Thirsty? Hungry? I have new black tea from my place, do you want to try it?" Wu Xiao rubbed his hands and wanted to

    say There are too many people talking about platinum mining, so it's hard to talk about it, so I can only invite Qiao Han in the name of drinking tea.

    In the end, he didn't wait for Qiao Han's answer, and Sang Mian excitedly said: "Prisoner, the news that Long Shuai won the lawsuit has spread everywhere, and everyone outside knows that Long Shuai got out of our prison, we are famous!"

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