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Jungkook's gorgeous round brown eyes scanned over the passage of the article.His thick fine brows knitted together in frustration and anger.His teeth were biting on his lower lip in an unforgiving manner.His feet were tapping the ground impatiently.The brightness from the device illuminated his beautiful features.What he was seeing on the screen was anything but pleasant.The vicious words on the article made him want to throw up .Maybe all this was bound to happen.

Jeon Jungkook is toxic to our society and he is destroying it at will.He has an agenda to make sure no one stays married and most alphas are left penniless.He didn't become a lawyer because he needed the money but for the fun of it.He hates alphas and the institute of marriage hence he wants to make them like him.Poor women and omegas are falling prey to his evil plans.They think he is helping them but in actually fact he is taking advantage of them being naive and manipulate them into breaking their marriages.Such a person who hates marriage and alphas shouldn't be a lawyer.He is prejudice of all alphas and he is using innocent people to get revenge for him..Many alphas have petitioned that he be stopped from practicing law because he has made it his life 's goal to destroy marriages and our society doesn't need that.If no actions are taken against him hate champagnes against will start.

"Jungkook if you keep this up then your lips will bleed.Why punish them.They aren't the ones who wrote that article about you"Jimin snatched the younger's iPad only to have him snatch it back.

The two omegas went way back to their early childhood days in their hometown Busan.There was nothing these omegas didn't know about each other from A to Z.Jungkook had to go to school two years early because he didn't want to stay at home alone while his hyung went to school.Jungkook even remembers all the boyfriends Jimin had up until now.

They were pretty much inseparable hence they decided to attend the same law school and become lawyers at the same law firm.The only difference between the two besties was that Jungkook was a divorce lawyer while Jimin was a criminal lawyer.

Jungkook had went to law school at the tender age of seventeen.They admitted him at a university as a special case.By twenty two he had already graduated and had his first ever case.Now eight years later he is famous for his looks as well as his hundred percent success rate.He never lost a case till date.He always brought good outcomes on the settlement table for his clients who were mostly females and male omegas.

The reason for his success was because he was a tough negotiator during settlement negotiations.Whenever he wasn't satisfied with the outcome he always takes the matter to court.Only a few of his cases reached the court because most of the alphas were scared of being left with nothing.Only a few were bold enough to challenge him to take the matter to court.Even though he always came out on top.The reason why he was so famous was because his clients always spread word about him whenever he wins a case.Their friends will always tell their friends when they get unexpected divorce settlement.The friends would tell their friends and their relatives.

"Hyung how can you even joke about this?Some random men are spreading hate about me when i haven't done anything to them.Are you even my friend?"

"I was just trying to make you laugh but let's face it.Not everything in that article is a lie.You do hate alphas"the older omega laughed

"I don't get how other people are buying this.It doesn't make sense"Rose said

"I do hate them but the whole world doesn't have to know that.I have a good reason for hating them but its not like the world will understand me"

"Kookie stop reading this article.It won't do you any good.Ignore it"the older omega said softly

"I will never have peace now that journalists are coming after me.Now that the media is involved it means I'm done for.Nothing is more dangerous than the media.They will turn you into someone you aren't"

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