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The couple woke up together the following morning,showered together had breakfast and left for work together.They went in the same car and Taehyung dropped Jungkook at his workplace before driving to his.Jungkook felt like everything was back to way it was before they got got married.They communicated more than before.

However around eleven Taehyung got a call from Jimin claiming that Jungkook had collapsed at work and was rushed to the nearest hospital.Taehyung drove there as fast as he could.

When he got there Jungkook was laying on the bed with his eyes closed an IV drip attached to his arm.

"Baby I'm here"Taehyung kissed the omega's forehead as well as his palm.He sat next to him and turned to Jimin who was standing in the room.

"What did the doctor say?"he asked

"They are still running some blood tests.They will be here soon"the omega said

"What could have gone wrong.Did he complain about any pain?"Taehyung asked critically

"No he never mentioned anything like that"

"Maybe it could be exhaustion from our honeymoon trip.He didn't allow himself to rest when we got home"Taehyung said while staring at the sleeping omega.

Jimin sighed and patted the alpha's shoulder"Everything will be okay Taehyung"

Half an hour later the doctor came into the room"Who is Mr Kim's guardian?"

"I'm his best friends and this is his husband.Has the results come back?"Jimin asked

"I'm afraid we have to wait for the patient to work up so we can read out his results.He should be awake to hear this for himself"the doctor said

"Is it that serious?"Taehyung asked

"He isn't dying.Please calm down"the doctor said with a smile

"We will wait for him to wake up then"

Another half an hour later Jungkook stirred awake and Taehyung was elated.

"Can you see me baby.How do you feel?"Taehyung asked

"Chill.I feel fine.I just felt a little light headed back then"Jungkook said,his voice groggy

"I will go and get the doctor"Jimin said

"Not you too hyung.Stop fussing.I'm not dying"the youngest chuckled

"What do you want to eat.It's lunch time.You should eat something if you feel light headed"

"Taehyung"Jungkook sighed

Two minutes later Jimin arrived with the doctor.

"How do you feel Mr Kim?"the doctor asked

"I'm okay"Jungkook responded

"Here i have your blood tests results.Are you ready to hear them"

Jungkook nodded hesitantly

"It's good news.You are expecting"the doctor announced

"What ?"Jungkook half yelled and turned to his husband to see his reaction.Taehyung had a grin on his face.

"Are you certain doctor?"Jungkook asked

"Do you have any doubts.Feeling light headed is one of the early symptoms of pregnancy.You should have a proper healthy diet and stay hydrated "

"Tae how is this even possible.We didn't make love during my heat.We did it a week after my heat ended"Jungkook spoke in one breath

"You are right.The chance of you getting pregnant outside of your heat is slim but its very possible.You just might be too fertile"

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