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Taehyung hadn't suspected a thing when his mother called him over for lunch at their house the following day.He was a bit grumpy because he had been woken up from a great nap.Either way he got ready and arrived at the Kim's well before lunch.Surprisingly his dad was also there.He was kinda glad because he hadn't seen his old man in months.His post as Minister of Justice kept him away from his family most of the times.Taehyung had a lot of catching up on to do.

"So"Mrs Kim started.Taehyung saw his parents exchanging weird glances and he didn't know what was up.Those two could have an entire conversation in front of other people without realizing it.They had secret codes.Weird.Taehyung thought.But the chemistry was off the hook.

"How was your date with Jungkook last night?"Mrs Kim asked

"Oh that.It was great"

"If it was so great then why was he crying"

"What?"Taehyung was stunned.He hadn't seen that coming

"What on earth did you do to him?"Mrs Kim raised her voice.

"Couples fight don't they.Even you guys do but does the whole world have to know about it"Taehyung half yelled

"Couples fight.That's given but it becomes an issue if the other person starts crying in public.What kind of fight did you have for him to cry so much?"his mother asked

"Mom do you have people tailing me.Is that it?"Taehyung asked

"After what I saw the day Jungkook was here i had to.I knew there was a problem and i needed to know what it was.Jungkook refused to say anything and i knew you wouldn't either so i had to do it my way."

"I'm the bad guy because i make him cry right.Do you think Jungkook is innocent in this?"

"What kind of fight made him cry like that?"Mrs Kim yelled,she was running thin on patience

"I honestly didn't know why he was crying.I didn't say anything wrong.I only stated mere facts.Maybe you should go and ask him why he was crying.Maybe he might tell you"

"Taehyung let me get this clear.If you don't want to marry Jungkook anymore then just say it instead of making him cry in public like that.Your father and i never raised you like that.If you found someone else then please let him know so he can move on.We aren't forcing you into getting married to him.You told us you wanted to marry him twenty years ago and we supported you.Don't make it seem like you are being forced in an arranged marriage"

"Honey calm down"Mr Kim spoke up for the first time.

"How do you want me to face his mother?Huh?Just come clean.We will understand because twenty years is a lot of time for things to change.Let alone feelings"

"Mom you have everything wrong.I love only Jungkook and there is never been anyone else.Nothing has changed.I can even swear"

"Then what's this behavior.You can't treat someone you claim to love in that fashion.Is it because he doesn't remember you.Do you think he chose to forget you?"Mrs Kim's voice cracked

"You won't understand"

"I won't understand until you tell me what's going on.How am i supposed to know when you aren't saying anything"

Taehyung rose up from the table.He didn't even say a word or spare anyone a glance .

"Yah I'm still talking to you.You might have grown up but I'm still your mother you rude piece of crap.Never forget that"she yelled after her son.

"Let him go"Mr Kim said softly

"I can't take this disrespect"

"Stop being a drama queen"

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