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Jungkook could have sworn that he had never cringed so much in his entire life.He couldn't believe that he was the same person he saw getting clingy with an alpha in every photo.On every photo there was the date from which it was taken.The album contained ten years worth of memories.If his friends were to see this then they would name him the biggest hypocrite.To Mina all the photos were nothing but adorable.The moments were so precious.

"Do you believe me now?"Mina asked

"Is it normal for parents to let their children act this way.If you let kids get this close then they might end up doing somethings people their age shouldn't do"

"You didn't want to be away from each other.Don't worry we did take precautions.When he had his puberty we made sure that you didn't meet unsupervised"

"How can you be 100% sure.Kids will be kids.I might go around thinking I'm a virgin when I'm not"Jungkook frowned

"You are right.Only the two of you can know what you did and did not do.I can't speak for anyone but i know he would have never touched you in a wrong manner"

"You sound confident that he is a good guy"

"I know he is one"

"So where is he now?"Jungkook asked

"In Seoul.He moved there when he turned fifteen.We thought it was necessary for you be separated.It was getting hard for him to deal with his hormones as he drew closer to sixteen years"

"That was a wise move.Who knew what would have happened.A huge crisis was averted"

"But the two of you weren't happy about it.He tried to fight his parents about it but he was just a teenager and there was nothing he could do about it.He knew the reason why they had to move but he wasn't having it.He tried to convince his parents that he would never do anything to you but they never gave into him"

"Was there an incident that led you guys to decide that you needed to separate us.I mean there much have been a reason"Jungkook was curious and he couldn't hide it

"Many more times than once.He only started behaving that way when you turned ten"his mother whispered

"What did he do"

"He tried to mark you.The other time he had you in his room and the door was locked.His father had to break down his door and get you away from him.We found him on top of you and he was just about to undress you"Mina said with her head hung low.

"And you call that person a good person.Someone who almost rapped your child.How can you support him?"Jungkook asked heatedly

"I'm not going to defend him.We all agreed that you weren't safe around him.That's why they had to move"

"War of hormones i see"Jungkook snickered

"It hit him bad.He thought since you belonged to each other nothing can get in his way"

"Alphas.How typical"he scoffed

"But he isn't a bad guy though"

"So does that mean Jimin knows him?"Jungkook asked

"The three of you went to the same school but your fiance is older"

"Older by how many years"

"Five years"

"That's bearable.The lesser the age difference the better.I don't need a father in my life"

"Anything else you want to ask me"

"If i spent ten years of my life with him how come i have no memory of him whatsoever"

"You decided to forget him"

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