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Jimin regretted it .He regretted giving into Jungkook's whims and staying the night.The younger didn't allow him to sleep.He kept asking random questions about his nameless fiance.They were the same exact questions he had asked his mother.Apparently the younger omega was still in denial.He thought maybe everything was a made up fantasy.

Jimin left Jungkook's apartment around five in the morning.His eyes were adorned with dark circles because someone wouldn't stop waking him up every minute.The older couldn't take anymore so he left so he could catch up on his much needed sleep.

Jungkook got out of bed at nine in the morning.His date was scheduled at lunch and he had already made the reservation at the restaurant.He had texted his mother the time and the address so his so called fiance would get to the right place and at the right time.

As soon as he got up he went to make himself a cup of coffee.When it was ready he came and had it while sitting on one of the seats in his room.He didn't sit there for long.Soon he found himself standing on the balcony.He really hated feeling this way.The anxiety was too much and it was draining him.

To get himself distracted he cleaned around his apartment.Afterwards he went out to have a late breakfast and also did some shopping for his pantry and fridge.

Eventually he took a shower and then walked into his closet.He grabbed two sets of outfits and brought them to his bed.He was torn between going for a semi formal look or a casual look.When he couldn't decide he felt like breaking down.For almost half an hour he sat on his bed in nothing but his bathrobe.Time didn't stop moving and the longer he waited the more anxious he got.

Finally he decided to mix the two.He wore a white t shirt and a pair of black formal trousers.When it was down to his foot ware the struggle began again.He was tempted to just put one slides but he realized that his date would probably judge him so bad.In the end the dress shoes won.He styled his hair moderately and applied cologne.After one final look in the mirror he grabbed his wallet and key cars.There was no need for him to grab a jacket because they were currently in spring which was also his favorite season.

When he was all the way to his door he realized that he had actually forgotten his phone on the charger in his bedroom.He went back to his room to get it and finally left the apartment.He got to the underground parking lot and got into the car that was the closet to the exit and drove off.

It actually turned out that he had arrived twenty minutes early to the restaurant.That was ample time for him to gather and calm his nerves.At the last minute he realized that he didn't even know the face of the guy he was meeting and definitely not his name.That was something he should have asked ages ago right.He quickly texted his mother asking for the guy's picture and his name.

As soon as he looked up from his phone someone whom he never wanted to run in walked towards him.Jungkook never wanted to run into this man.Not even by accident.He looked down hoping that the alpha would go on his way and never bother him.

To his shock and horror the ridiculously handsome and stone hearted werewolf sat on his table and in front of him.Jungkook looked up but didn't have the guts to look the man in his eyes and confront him.

Jungkook's mind told him to flee.Goodness knows why he was having an adrenaline rush right at this moment.He really wanted to run but his body wouldn't listen to him.

"Jeon ,are you ill.Why are you sweating so much"the alpha's deep rich voice filled the omega's ears.He knew that if he doesn't reply then this animal will start taunting him.Goodness knows what he had done to this man.Were judges allowed to be bullies.

"Why are you sitting there?"he forced himself to asked after swallowing a generous amount of spit.

"Where would you want me to sit?In your head?"the alpha uttered flatly and Jungkook's right eye twitched.If this guy was aware that he had killed an alpha in his teens then he wouldn't be mocking him.

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