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Jungkook sat there on the bed while staring into an empty space.Was he waiting for Taehyung?No he wasn't sure if he wanted to have another encounter with the alpha but yet again he was in the lion's den.How was he going to avoid him

His ringing cell snapped him out of his thoughts.He picked it up from the beside table and answered it.

"Hello hyung"

"Hey why do you sound so low.Everything went okay at your soon to be in laws"

"I'm still there.Taehyung said he wants me to stay the night"

"The man must have missed you that much.I see everything is great"

"Well not so great"

"What do you mean?"

"Taehyung found out.He knows.Now i know the reason why he never contacted me after the date"

"Jungkook are you serious.How did he know"

"It shouldn't be surprising for someone in his position and frankly it doesn't matter how he got to know.My career will be the last thing i will worry about if he tells our parents.I don't know what they will think of me and I'm scared"

"Do you think he will tell them"

"He will.You should have seen him.He was hurt,disappointed and angry"

"Where is he now"

"He went out after confronting me after lunch.I haven't seen him since then.Everyone has already gone to bed.Maybe he isn't coming back"

"I'm sorry this had to happen to you"

"It was bound to happen.I don't know what he will do now.Talking to him won't fix anything.He is too angry and i should just let him be"

"Be strong hey"

"Why did you never tell me that i was a horrible person"

"Because you aren't.Whatever he said to you was because he was hurt and disappointed.We all say hurtful things in the heat of the moment"

"I will hang up now"

"Get some rest.It will refresh your mind"

"Thank you and goodnight"

After the call Jungkook got out of the room and wondered off.Without realizing it he ended up by the pool side.He sat there with his legs against his chest,his head bowed down.His future wasn't certain and he didn't know what to do about it.He had never felt this helpless before.

Suddenly he heard footsteps coming his way and immediately lifted his head.When he saw Taehyung he jumped onto his feet and approached him.

"Taehyung.."he breathed out

"What?"the alpha's tone was nonchalant

"Where were you.I have been waiting for you"

"Why?Do we have any business with each other"

"You told your sister that you want me to stay the night"

Taehyung arched a brow"Did i?Maybe i forgot"

"Did you have dinner?"the omega asked

"You don't have to worry about me.We aren't close"the alpha uttered carelessly

"You are right.I'm sorry for overstepping"Jungkook exhaled sharply

"Why are you out here.Shouldn't you be sleeping?"

"I couldn't sleep.I struggle to sleep in new environments"

"So are you going to sleep out here then"

"I can go to my apartment.It's not too late.It's not that far from here"Jungkook said

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