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"Tae wakey"Jungkook whispered into his fiance 's ear and bit his earlobe.Still there was no reaction from the alpha.The omega decided to step up his game.What did he do.Their legs were intertwined so he easily pressed his knee onto the older's hard on.He pressed so hard that Taehyung 's eyes flew open right away.

"It worked"

Jungkook yelped in suprise when Taehyung got up and pinned him on the spot,hovering over him looking dangerous.No one likes to have their sleep ruined.

"Don't you think that's enough for one morning"

"Sorry"Jungkook pouted

"What do you want?"

"Touch me .Please"

Taehyung was rather taken off guard.Never had he imagined Jungkook saying something so shamelessly.He looked the omega up and down and caught him spreading his legs in invitation.The signals were clear but Taehyung didn't want to give in and act on his urges.

Swallowing dryly he said"Is that why you woke me up"

"That wasn't the reason.Of course you have to wake up because it's morning"

Taehyung pressed his thumb over Jungkook's lower lip and started tracing slowly"What makes you think i will give you what you want so easily,baby"

Jungkook couldn't say anything.His entire focus was on the alpha's thumb that was tracing his lips.

"You don't want to talk?I guess i should leave you like this then"


Taehyung smiled in satisfaction and leaned down to kiss the omega's jaw.He sucked and bit on the skin aggressively.His aim was to make Jungkook feel both pleasure and pain .

On the other hand Jungkook was moaning and fisting on the alpha's hair.His toes curled in anticipation.

When Taehyung was done with the omega's jaw he pulled away to admire his work.While he was as it he got the omega's pj top out of the way.He then dove into the omega's neck and left wet kisses all the way to the omega's neck.

Jungkook's erected nipples were begging for attention .The omega gasped and arched his back the moment Taehyung took one of his nipple into his mouth.The alpha sucked ,pulled and chewed on the omega's nipples hungrily.By the time he was done Jungkook felt like they would bleed any time soon.

Taehyung didn't stop his assault.He marked the omega's entire abdomen while making use of his mouth,tongue and teeth.When he got to the omega's waist and belly button he didn't use any force or apply any pressure.The kisses were delicate and feathery like.At that moment the omega felt like he was floating in air.

Taehyung went further down to the omega's thighs ignoring where he was needed the most.He kissed and sucked on the omega's inner thighs making him lose his mind.Made him drool uncontrollably.

"Tae"Jungkook whined,he was already removing his panties and the alpha simply watched him.

"Tell me what you want"

"Touch me more"

When Taehyung saw that the omega's panties were soaked he couldn't ignore the omega any further.Goodness knows for how long the omega had been leaking with need.How did he even become this aroused.

"You are gonna be a good boy for me will you"

"Yes Alpha"Jungkook's tone and gaze were overly innocent

Taehyung spread the omega's legs even more.He went further down towards the omega's moist core and kissed him there.The action took Jungkook's breath away.He gasped for air and his breath quickened.

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