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After getting the ring they went to a restaurant to have their lunch.Jungkook was really excited by his ring.He didn't wait to finally wear it and he told Taehyung all about it like an excited child.

"I was thinking for our wedding why don't we get matching rings"Jungkook suggested

"Whatever you want baby"

"Do you like the idea or you are just saying that because you don't wish you be bothered.You don't even sound interested"Jungkook pouted

"You got me wrong.I'm just hungry.I kinda skipped breakfast so i can't focus."

"Sorry i didn't know.You should have told me before.I would have made something at my apartment"

"I didn't think that far"

"I don't mean to lecture you but skipping meals isn't healthy"

"I won't do it.Baby order up okay.I will be in the bathroom"

"But you are so picky.What if i order something you don't like.I don't want you to lash out at me"

"So do you want to wait until i come back.Can you wait that long?"


"But i don't want you to stay hungry"

"Then make sure you don't take forever"Jungkook smiled


When Taehyung left a guy came and took his place.

"The Almighty Jeon.How the mighty has fallen.You thought you were invincible didn't you.Now look at you now.Practicing law gave you so much arrogance and now you have lost everything.What will become of you now"

"Excuse me you are sitting in my fiance's seat.I don't think he would like it if he finds you sitting with me"

"Fiance?"the man laughed out loud"Who would be crazy enough to think of dating you.Let alone marrying you.I was the only man out there who sincerely loved you for who you are but what did you do.You rejected me in front of hundreds and slapped me.The nerve.I told you that you would regret what you did to me and this is only the beginning"

"You are full of crap"Jungkook spat

"I see you are still as haughty as ever.This kind of behavior won't get you anywhere.Who do you think you are to reject the assemblyman's only child.You are nothing so you don't have to play hard to get"

"What's going on here"Taehyung appeared behind the unknown man.

"Tae he is bothering me"

"It seems he doesn't value his life"Taehyung grabbed the man's shoulders and turned him around.

"Who do we have here?If it isn't the son of the assemblyman.I wonder what gives you the guts to harass the Minister of justice's soon to be son in law"

"What?Is this really true"

"You are screwed"

"Hyung please we are friends aren't we?I mean our parents are"the other alpha said

"I don't befriend trash like you.Once I'm done with you go and tell your father everything like the daddy's boy that you are.Huh?"

"Please hyung"

Taehyung grabbed the man by the collar and threw him against the ground.He could have hit him but he would be creating a scene.His father's reputation would be affected if he assaults someone in public.

"If we ever meet in a private setting just know you are dead"

"Yes hyung.Im sorry"

Taehyung then came and asked Jungkook to order like nothing had happened.

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