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The next time Jungkook saw Taehyung was a week later.When his door bell rang he hadn't thought that it would be Taehyung standing out side his door.The tall handsome figure was dressed up in black from head to toe.Black button up shirt,black trousers and black dress shoes and even a black belt.What was the occasion.Did his dressing indicate his mood?Was it a warning not to cross him today.

So the alpha had forgotten his phone number but not his address.Should he be glad.No.He was rather annoyed by the alpha's behavior and attitude.How could he not even text or call him for even an entire week.Was he that busy or was just playing busy so the omega would get to miss him.

Maybe all he wanted was for the omega to contact him first but the omega was just egoistical.Even if he wasn't he didn't know how to start a conversation with the alpha.What would he possibly say to him if he calls or texts him

.As Jungkook watched Taehyung over the intercom he realized that he could never figure the alpha out and it made him frustrated.Maybe his life would a million times easier if he could tell what was going on in the alpha's head.

Eventually he opened the door without considering the fact that he was wearing a short that barely reached his mid thighs.You can't blame him.He was just getting out of bed.

"You aren't ready yet?"that was the first thing the alpha said when he saw the omega.

"You aren't even going to say hie Taehyung.What happened to your manners"

"Im in a hurry"

"What am i supposed to be ready for?"

"Are you being serious right now?Didn't mom tell you that we are going to get our engagement ring"

Jungkook 's eyes widened and slapped his head"It's today.How could i forget.Im so silly.I will go and get ready"

"Hurry up.We don't have time"

"Please sit/"

"No call no text for more than a week and he just walks in here like a bulldozer.How does he suppose i make this relationship work.No doesn't it take two people to make a relationship work"the omega grumbled

"What did you say?"

"Nothing.Don't mind me"

"Are you still standing there?"

"I'm going.No need to nag me"

"I'm not nagging you.I expected you to be ready when i got here.Now i have to wait for you and my time gets wasted.I have other things to do"

"I forgot.Is that a crime.If you didn't want your time to be wasted then you should have reminded me about it last night.Like through a text.You could have told me when you would expect me to be ready and i would get ready on time.Was it too much for you to text me?If you had done that we wouldn't be having this argument"

"I was busy"

"Busy for a text Taehyung.A text that won't even take you a minute"

"Well you shouldn't have forgotten something as important as this"

"Fine.It's my fault.I'm sorry.I won't be so forgetful next time.Sorry for wasting your precious time"

"Why are you guilty tripping when you are the one who forgot something important in the first place.How can you just forget something like that."

"I don't want to argue Taehyung.Please just let it go.I made a mistake and apologized but i don't know why you won't let it go.Did i comit that you would be this upset with me.Is there something else that i did.Something that I'm not aware of?"

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