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The next morning Jungkook woke up to a text from Taehyung telling him that he had reached the airport and was waiting for his flight.Jungkook wished the alpha luck and went back to bed.His heart was full after last night and his mind was in a better place.Forgiving Taehyung had made him feel at ease.

Five hours later Jungkook woke up in a cold sweat.He had a nightmare where Taehyung's plane had crushed.It felt too real to be just a nightmare.What made him afraid more was the fact that he hadn't heard from Taehyung since the last time they texted.

Taehyung should have arrived by now.It only takes 1 hour and twenty minutes to fly from Incheon International airport to Jeju International airport .Taehyung should have gotten in touch with him as soon as he arrived.Could it be that he had forgotten to tell him.Jungkook would be relieved if that were the case.At least the older would be safe

Just to be certain Jungkook wanted to check with with Yoongi and Hoseok.Surely the two would know of Taehyung's whereabouts.He dialed up Yoongi's number frantically.

"Hello Hyung"

"Hello Jungkook.How are you?"

"I'm alright.Have you arrived in Jeju yet"

"Yes.Hoseok and i arrived about two hours ago.We have already checked in but we heard Taehyung hasn't.Is he still there with you?"

"You three didn't go together?"

"No Taehyung went in first.Ours was delayed a bit.He should have arrived before us but he is yet to check in.His phone isn't reachable.I don't understand what's going on?"

"Hyung I'm really scared.I just had a nightmare and you guys don't know where he is.To top it off his phone can't be reached.What do i do?I'm worried"

"Jungkook please relax.We will try to verify if his flight landed in Jeju.We will let you know okay"

"Do you guys have a picture of his plane ticket.We will be able to know the plane as well"

"I'm afraid we don't.Maybe someone from his family knows where he is"

"No please don't tell them.They will be worried if they get know know that he is missing"

"So what can we do?"

"There is one thing i can do.I'm going to come there and look for him myself"

"Jungkook try to relax"

"I can't be calm in this situation.Im coming on the next flight.Please let me know if you get something from him"

"Okay we will stay in touch.Just be careful out there"

"Okay hyung.I have to go"

Jungkook only managed to change his clothes and grabbed his passport and wallet.He called for a cab on his way out.A few minutes later the cab arrived and he was on his way to the airport.On the way he texted Yoongi asking him about the name and the location of the hotel which they were staying in.

An hour and half later Jungkook landed in Jeju but didn't know where to start.Regardless he hired a cab and went to the hotel where Yoongi and Hoseok were staying in.He wanted to confirm if it was really true that Taehyung hadn't checked in.Just before he could get to the help desk Taehyung walked in.

Jungkook was relieved.He ran into the alpha's arms and caught him by surprise.

"Where were you Taehyung?Do you know how worried i was!"

"Baby how are you here?"Taehyung asked in surprise

"I had to find you"

"I had a bad dream and they told me you hadn't checked in .I was so worried sick that something might have happened to you.I couldn't stay still"he blurted out

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