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Jimin exhaled loudly and got his two friends's attention.

"You seem bored"Jungkook remarked

"I can't be the only one.I mean this is the worst party I have ever attended.Is this even a retirement party.It's more like a memorial.Take a look around there isn't anyone from our generation"

"I know right"Jungkook said

"You didn't have to drag us here"Jimin whined

"I couldn't refuse him when he personally invited me.You know he is my favorite judge and i can't let him down"Jungkook said

"I know you two are smitten with each other but this isn't it"Jimin said

"Hyung you can leave if you want to.He had said I should bring you two..."

"Fine for your sake I will stay a little bit longer"

"I just wish three handsome young judges would walk through that right now"Rose said

"It seems you are talking in particular"Jimin said raising his eyebrows

"Do you think they will come here?"Rose asked

"I don't know.When I talked to Tae earlier he didn't say anything about any party"Jungkook said

"Maybe he forgot"

"When are we leaving.I'm dying here."Jimin whined

"An hour longer.We will give him his gifts and then leave"

"If you pull that face no man will smile at you tonight"Jungkook teased Jimin.

"Did you even take a look at those so called man.They all look like grandpas.Why would i even want them to smile at me.It will only make me cringe"

"Oh guys look who just made an entry"Rose fan girled and Jimin gasped

"No ways"

Jungkook's heart rate increased.He gasped for air as Taehyung smiled at him and approached them.He greeted the other two before taking the omega with him.All this while the omega was in a trance.

"Where are you lost?"Taehyung asked

"I didn't think I would see you here"the omega swallowed

"Neither did I.My old professor invited me .He called me is favorite student and I melted.I didn't want to let him down"

"I see"

"And you?"

"He invited me too.I was kinda shocked"Jungkook replied softly

"He doesn't have a crush on you does he?"Taehyung asked

"Let's say he did.What would you do?"

"Nothing.What would you have me do?"Taehyung arched a brow.

"You are really no fun"Jungkook frowned when the alpha didn't react in the manner he had expected him to.

"Lets go to the bathroom and I will show you just how fun I can be"Taehyung winked

"Why not show me here?"

"It won't be fun with other people watching"

"You are very insolent"Jungkook laughed

"Tell me about it"

"By the way is there something going on between your friends and mine?"the omega asked

"Something like what?"

"You know what I'm talking about.Haven't your friend say anything about my friends"

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