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Jungkook eventually got tired of sleeping.It was late and he had to eat the dinner his fiance had made for him before he left.He got on his feet and checked on his phone.There were usual texts from his mother.Suddenly he paused .How was his mother going to react when she learns that he was no longer a virgin.One thing was for sure.She would bury Taehyung alive.

While Jungkook was holding his phone it rang.His mother wanted to face time.Yelp.This couldn't be good.He cleared up this throat before accepting the call.What was with his mother and video calls anyways.

"Hey baby"

"Hie mom .How are you?"

"I'm good how is my baby"

"I'm great mom"

"I can see that.You are even glowing"

"Am i really?"

"Tell me something i don't know"

"There is really nothing to tell mom.I'm just happy"

"Taehyung is making you happy?"

"Of course.Who else?"

"And i guess he is the reason why you are blushing?"

"Mom what are you getting at?"

"I can tell that you are hiding something from me.Anyways i will hung up now.You are an adult so i shouldn't be worried about anything.If there is something you don't want to tell me there is nothing for me to do.Just take care of yourself."

"I'm not hiding anything from you.I promise"

"Let's just say i believe you"

"I love you mom"

"Love you more.I gotta go.Bye"

"Bye mom"

When Jungkook thought that was it for the day his door bell rang.He didn't have any clue as to who would be at his door at that hour.One look at his intercom and he wished he would disappear.He wasn't ready to have a conversation with the duo outside his door.He didn't have the energy.

"Give me strength"he sighed before opening the door.

"Hey guys"he pulled on a plastic smile."Please do come in"

"You are finally awake.Taehyung told us you weren't feeling well so we came back to check on you"

"Thank you.Thats so kind of you"

"What are friends for?"

The trio sat down in the living room.

"Can i get you anything?"

"Why are you being so nice all of a sudden.Did something good happen?"

"I thought i have always been nice to you"

"Please cut us the crap.We know you better than that.When we come here you always tell us to help ourselves"

"I might have forgotten "

"So are you feeling better now?"

"What exactly did Taehyung tell you?"

"He said something along the lines you were sore and couldn't get out of bed.He didn't tell us the reason why you were sore"

"He told you i was sore?"

"Wasn't he supposed to tell us that?"

"Rose let's just cut to the chase.We don't have the whole day.We have work tomorrow morning"

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