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Another Friday.No text ,no call whatsoever from Taehyung.They haven't seen each other since the previous weekend.Don't get him wrong.He wasn't complaining.Jungkook was just too cool with it.Seeing the alpha would only put him over the edge.Maybe this is how things were meant to be between them.

Since his mother left for Busan Jungkook had been feeling lonely and under the weather.He didn't feel like doing anything either.Was he ever going to get used to staying at home and doing nothing.Until when was he going to survive the torture.

His doorbell rang and he went to get it.Apparently he was expecting the dinner he had ordered a while ago as he didn't feel like cooking.

Upon opening the door he was shocked to see that it wasn't the person he had been expecting.

"Taehyung"he breathed out.The alpha seemed exhausted and his appearance was disheveled.He appeared somewhat irritated and tired

"May i come in"

Jungkook nodded and stepped out of the way so the alpha could enter

"What a surprise.I didn't know you knew my address"

"I know everything about you but I'm not here to gloat"the alpha said

"Then why are you here then?"Jungkook asked

"Go and get dressed.I'm taking you for dinner"

"Now?You could have called before you got here Taehyung.How am I supposed to get ready at such a short notice"

"How many times do i have to call before you pick up my calls Jungkook"the older snarled.

Jungkook was taken aback.Did Taehyung really call him.Now that he thought about it the last time he used his phone it was to order his dinner and that was forty five minutes ago.

"Well are you just going to stand there looking all surprised.If you gave me the right number then i definitely called you.You can check and let me know.Maybe I actually called the wrong number"Taehyung said

"You don't look like you are in the best condition to take me out.What you need is a bath and a lot of rest.Maybe we can postpone?"

Taehyung snickered"Do you think I'm here because i wanted to.I should have been in my house sleeping after a stressful week but here I am because i have been left with no choice.They have been bothering me to take you out for dinner and i just thought I needed to get it over and done with so I can rest once and for all"

"You really are one obedient son"the omega said tightly

"Are you coming with me or not.I really don't have all night.Make your decision quick"

"I'm only going for your mom"Jungkook said

"That makes the two of us darling.I don't enjoy spending time with selfish people like you but for her sake i will put on an act.You know i could do anything so she would stop bothering me"the alpha said dryly.

Jungkook hummed.He decided right there and then he wasn't going to give Taehyung a chance to walk all over him.Even If it means him acting like he didn't know how to talk he was going to do it.

"Uhm.Take a seat.I will be back in a short while"

"You know Jungkook as someone who wants publicity you shouldn't have a problem with going out with me.Being seen with me will do you a lot of good"

Well that was uncalled for.Jungkook decided to ignore the alpha and went on his way.He didn't want drama especially when he knows that he is the one who is wrong.Nothing was ever going to change the fact that he broke the alpha's trust.Actually he was wondering if this guy was actually bipolar.Now he was starting to suspect it.

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