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The following Friday Jungkook went to Taehyung's house as per usual.The alpha was expecting him as they had a dinner date planned on the rooftop which was the omega's favourite place to have a romantic dinner date.Lately Taehyung had been very romantic and showered the omega with gifts whenever he got the chance.

Jungkook was relieved that the topic of moving in hadn't been brought up during the week.Three weeks to their marriage and he still wasn't ready and he knew Taehyung would be upset about it and start doubting his love.Moving in was something he had to do as they were going to get married but for some reason the omega kept procrastinating.

When he got to the alpha's house he allowed himself in as usual.On the way from his apartment he had decided to tell Taehyung that he was ready to finally move in.He knew his fiance would love the news.

When Jungkook walked into the alpha's living room,he saw Gina holding his fiance like her life depends on it.They were tears on her face and she was sobbing hysterically.Taehyung couldn't see the omega as he was facing the other way.It didnt seem like he was comforting the female judge.He wasn't even hugging her back.He was just standing there like a statue.

"Whats going on here?"Jungkook asked with a raised voice and Taehyung turned to the direction of the voice.

"Jungkook...Hey baby"Taehyung said as he approached the omega.He wanted to hug him but the younger took a step back.

"Why did you even call me here when you had someone else over.Don't you think you have disrespected me enough for the sake of your so called friend.I forgave you because i thought you were sorry but i guess the joke is on me"Jungkook spat

"Baby you got this wrong.Its not what it looks like.I can explain"

"Let you explain Taehyung?We saw how that ended up last time.You yelled and scolded me instead.Im not doing this with you again.I'm leaving.It feels as though i'm intruding"Jungkook said half heartedly

"Jungkook please dont misunderstand.I'm the one who came over unannounced.I needed to talk to Taehyung.If i knew you guys had plans i wouldn't have come here.Im sorry.It was an innocent mistake"Gina explained frantically

"How could i not hate you.Did Taehyung tell you that our engament almost ended because of you.Because he gave you more priority that the person he was going to spend the rest of his life with.I find it hard to believe that you didnt do any of this on purpose.I bet you were so proud of yours weren't you?"

"Im sorry for everything Jungkook.Im sorry for causing problems for you but please it was never intertional.I never meant harm.I will leave.Im sorry for the inconvenience"she whispered

Jungkook watched Gina leave the house while wiping her tears.A part of the omega felt bad for her.Something must have happened to her.He wasn't so heartless not to notice that.

When the omega turned to his fiance he saw the alpha sit down on the couch with his head hung low.He looked like someone whose world had come crumbling down.The older's state made the younger frown in confusion.What on earth was even going on.

"What are you waiting for?"Jungkook charged at his fiance

"What are you talking about?"Taehyung lifted his head to look at the omega

"You are going to yell at me for talking to your precious friend that way"

"Wait.Why would i do that?"Taehyung frowned in confusion

"Its nothing you haven't done before.I wouldn't be surprised"

"I really don't want to fight Jungkook"

The omega sat next to the alpha and sighed"Why are you looking down.Did anyone die?"

"No one died"

"Then what was going on before i got here.She was crying in your arms and i didn't imagine that.What was the problem?"the younger asked

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