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Jungkook watched in annoyance as Taehyung ate all the dumplings he had made.He didn't even leave one for him.Even though he was mad at the alpha he couldn't deny him food .He even sat with him on the kitchen counter and served him food.He even poured a glass of water for him when he was done.He even cut a piece of the cake he had made for the alpha so he could have it as desert.

"When did you start baking?"Taehyung asked

"Is it edible?"Jungkook asked instead

"One wouldn't know that it's your first time.It's really tasty"

"I just followed the recipe mom sent me.I wanted to make a cake for my fiance"Jungkook blurted out only to regret it a second later

"For me?"

"Eat and get lost Taehyung"

"I didn't just come here to beg for food"Taehyung said

"What then?"

"I want you to come to my place with me"

"Taehyung i have no business with you"the omega said

"Please give me a chance to apologize.Tell me how i can make things right"

"I have already told you that nothing will ever be the same"

"By the way i told my family about our fight"the older said

"You did.How did they take it?"

"As expected they were upset and disappointed.They told me to make things right"Taehyung said

"Good for you"

"Will you come with me?"

"I don't like repeating myself Judge Kim.For someone in the judiciary you are so slow"

"Since you refused to come with me then i will just stay here"


"I know you don't want me here but you have left me no option"

"Will going to your house make me suddenly forgive you?"Jungkook asked

"Considering the fact that you are a tough individual i doubt going to my house will make a difference"

"Then what's the point.It's clearly a futile exercise"

"You won't lose anything by coming with me.I promise you i will bring you back after an hour"

"Taehyung what exactly are you up to "

"You will see when we get there.Just trust me this once.For old times sake"

"This better be worth it or I'm calling off this damn marriage.Do you want to take the risk?"Jungkook arched a brow

"I'm taking the risk"

Jungkook was looking out the window on the way to Taehyung's house.The last thing he wanted was to make eye contact with the alpha.He was afraid doing so will only make him weak.Taehyung in attempts to make the atmosphere better he turned on his car radio and music came on.Suddenly he heard Jungkook sniffling besides him and thought maybe the song was too emotional.When he switched it off he got glared it.

"I'm confused"the alpha whispered

"Who even asked you to turn it on in the first place?"the younger barked

"That's why i switched it off.I rectified my mistake didn't i?No one is perfect.We all make mistakes "

"Where exactly are you going with this?"Jungkook frowned

"Come on."

"I agree that we all make mistakes but when someone makes three mistakes in a row it becomes unacceptable.It might have been done intentionally "

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