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By the time they woke up Jungkook was in a better mood.He realized that he might have overreacted and apologized to his fiance.They got ready and went on their date.Jungkook had never been to the aquarium before so he felt like a kid discovering a whole new world.Taehyung took a lot pictures of the omega and them together.The omega was giddy the entire date.They had their lunch as well as dinner outside.Later in the evening Jungkook found himself in Taehyung's house.The first thing the alpha did was give him a tour and damn the omega was floored.

The pair was tired from their date so they went to bed right away after having a shower.Jungkook dressed up in Taehyung's shorts and t shirt while the alpha wore his silk pj's.They laid on their back and kissed each other goodnight.Jungkook sighed as soon as his fiance switched the lights off.He sounded restless.


"Yes baby"

"Are you sleeping yet?"Jungkook asked

"Almost.And you?"

"I'm struggling to sleep"

"Why?Are my sheets smelling bad.I swear i changed them this week.I can change them if that's the case"

Jungkook laughed lightly"It's not the sheet.I struggle to sleep in unfamiliar places.I feel restless.I have always been like this.I hardly get any sleep"

"I'm sure you aren't laying in my bed for the first time Jungkook"

"Well it was during the day and i wasn't even sleeping.Sleeping the whole night is a different story"

"Make it make sense"the alpha grumbled

"I'm serious Taehyung"

"Well you better get used to it.That is if you want to get married to me.You are going to have to move in here with me"

"You aren't being helpful right now"

"Wanna go for a walk until you sleep"

"No you are already sleepy.I don't want to disturb you.I will eventually sleep.Don't worry about me"

"Will music help"


"Alexa ,music on"

"Classical music?"Jungkook asked as soon as the music came on.

"Not your taste?"

"No it's actually good.Its what i would expect from a lawmakers"

"Can i sleep now"

"Will you be able to sleep with the music on?"Jungkook asked his fiance

"I can sleep anywhere.Even in the club where the music is on full blast"

"Good for you.I wish i was like you but i tent to get restless if i sleep in unfamiliar places"the omega whined

"So what will you do when we go for our honeymoon.Will you stay awake for the entire honeymoon"

"Hey you can't talk about our honeymoon when we haven't even picked up the wedding date"

"What's wrong with that?We will get married eventually.Just as long as you don't change your mind about marrying me"

"How naughty of you"

"I was born naughty"Taehyung smirked

"I don't doubt that.Not even one bit"

"Is the music helping?"

"Maybe if you keep talking to me.Your voice is helping a great deal"


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