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"Look at you.I never thought i would ever see you in a suit"Taehyung said as the couple stood in front of the mirror in their walk in closet.Both had dressed up for work.

"I never thought i would get to wear it again.Im really thankful"Jungkook smiled

"I don't know about you but as a working class Monday is my least favourite day of the week"the older said

"Same here but i feel that's going to change"Jungkook said with a smile.


"I will be leaving this house with you every morning"the younger said

"Lets go and have breakfast or we will get late.You cant be late on your first day at work,my love.It won't look good"

"Okay Judge Kim"

"You should come and watch my trials whenever you get time.It will boost my ego"

"What if i distract you?"Jungkook tilted his head at the alpha.

"I will try hard to not look at you or make eye contact with you"

"I will definately make time to come see you in action"

"I would really love it"

"But what if i start laughing while the court is in session.I mean i can't imagine you being all serious sitting high above everyone"

"I will give you what you deserve when we get home.No that would be too long.I will take you to my office
and there we can have a little chat there regarding your behavior"

"Oh what kind of chat?"Jungkook asked,his tone flirty

Taehyung's lips curved upwards"You will only find out then.I don't want to spoil the fun"

"I can't wait .I'm really intrigued by this idea of yours,alpha"

"Baby you look good and all but we have to go to work"Taehyung whispered in the omega's ear and kissed it.He then squeezed his waist before walking out of the closet.

Jungkook followed shortly after and then they went to have cereal.They didn't have enough time to make proper breakfast.

After a while they got ready to leave.They had decided to use one of Taehyung's car since Jungkook was yet to get his from the parking lot of the his apartment.

"Baby?"Taehyung called out to the omega on their way to work.Jungkook sitting on the passenger seat while looking out the window.He felt like this was the best Monday of his life.He had gotten his job back and knew how it feels to love someone and be loved in return.Very soon he would be tying the knot with his first love. The person who had been threatening his peace of mind was now out of their lives.What more could he ask for?His life was on track.


"How do you feel about us getting a helper.I feel like we will really need one.I can't imagine us doing the chores and also going to work"

"Are you no longer afraid of being seduced?"Jungkook asked teasingly

"That won't happen as long as you are around.Besides we will get someone who is more mature.Middle aged.What do you say"

"I'm on board as long as you are comfortable with the idea"

"Mom will help us with that.I doubt we will have the time to look for one ourselves"

Jungkook hummed and then intertwined his fingers with Taehyung.The older responded by kissing the back of the younger's palm.

Taehyung dropped Jungkook at his office.He kissed the omega and wished him a good day at work.

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