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Jungkook got on his way to Busan by six.He wanted to get home as soon as possible.His mother was waiting and he was dying to see her.On the way he was thinking about the possible solutions about how he was going to save his career.If nothing works then he will have to go to a marriage agency and get himself a husband.He couldn't believe it.It sounded hilarious to him that he would be looking for a husband.

Although late he learned two things about life that things can't always go the way you want and that life has a way of screwing us over.He was the same person who swore that he would never have anything to do with an alpha but here he was :desperate to get a husband.He laughed at himself whenever he thought about it.

Jungkook knew that checking the internet won't do him any good but he couldn't help it.He was bothered every second about what was happening to him.This morning someone had the nerve to write that the omega was the reason why the rate of divorce had suddenly increased in the city.It was absurd because why would he be blamed for other people's failure.How was it his fault that people no longer wanted to stay married.He never went to someone's house and force them to divorce their spouses.Why did people have a problem with him doing his job.This situation was really getting out of hand and he was getting annoyed at whoever started this hate campaign on him.He wanted to kill the person who started this but he didn't know who.He wasn't going to make everyone suffer for something that was started by a single person.At least he knew their aim was for him to quit being a lawyer but they had another thing coming.Jungkook wasn't going to give up without a fight.He was a lot of things and being a quiter wasn't one of them.

For now he needed to compose himself so his mother wouldn't worry.

While approaching his neighborhood he reminded himself not to tell his mother about what was going on in his life at the moment.He didn't want her to worry about him because she had a weak health state.She was diagnosed with hypertension at the age of twenty and the last thing Jungkook wanted was for her to worry or get upset.He couldn't risk losing her for any reason.That woman was his living factor.Without her he wouldn't have existed.

Jungkook didn't know how to hold back his tears every time he sees his mother after a while of not seeing her.Whenever he saw her he was reminded of what she had went through and just how strong she was.Mina was the strongest person Jungkook had ever known.No one could compare to his mother.

In high school she was an obsession of the school bully.She got raped and was threatened never to say anything to anyone.She did what any sixteen year old would do back then.Not say anything out of fear.When she found out she was pregnant it was already too late to consider an abortion.Out of fear of her parents she hid her pregnancy even though she was already in the third trimester.

When her parents found out about the almost due pregnancy they didn't take it well.They weren't ready to believe that she had gotten raped.They thought if she was really raped she would have told someone.To cut the story short they didn't buy that she was raped.Mina was kicked out of her parents's home.They told her to go to the father of the baby but she didn't want to.Why would she go to her rapist.

Mina didn't have anyone to go so she started wondering around with nothing.That same night she went into labor and no one was there for her.If it weren't for a passerby who stopped his car and took her to the hospital ,who knew what would have happened to the mother and son.Mina considered the man heaven sent.

It has been years but Jungkook still regrets the times he had gotten upset with his mother for not telling him about his father.He was only a child back then but he still regrets it everyday .His mother didn't deserve that .He wished he knew that she was shielding him from the devastating truth.That he was a product of rape.

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