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After that encounter Jungkook found himself in Somi's room .The mother of one was cuddling with her son and the omega was glad that he had found her awake.

"Your brother is still pretty much bipolar"Jungkook said

"I can't disagree"

"I should be careful right"

"What happened?Did he try to hurt you"

"I did something stupid and i shouldn't be surprised that he got mad at me"Jungkook said

"What happened?"

"I have been clubbing for the past week.I guess i had forgotten that i was engaged to a judge of the supreme court and the son of the Minister of Justice.I feel so stupid.If our parents come to know about this they will be really upset"

"You didn't sleep with anyone.Don't be hard on your self."

"Taehyung doesn't want me clubbing.He said he will end things if i do it again"

"No way.That's extreme.Is he nuts?"Somi exclaimed

"He has a good point though"

"I have never heard of such thing.Don't defend him"

"Have you ever experienced this.A person comes into your life and changes everything you thought you knew.Make you discover things you never knew about yourself.Suddenly your life is all about him.You see him everywhere and you think about him with every breath you take.What do you call that ?"Jungkook asked,his mind distant

"Love"Somi answered him

"Does it have a cure"

"No silly but yeah love does come to an end at some point.Usually when you get your heart broken.I'm talking from experience"

"Love is a disease and a weakness"Jungkook stated

"Five years ago i wouldn't have agreed with you but now i know better.You should never love anyone else more than you love yourself.Never love someone to the point that you would want to take your own life once they leave you"Somi said

"Love is all sort of weirdness.Beautiful ,hurtful and kinda scary.No one can ever fully understand it"Jungkook heard himself say

"So you agree that you are in love with my brother"

"No"he was quick to deny it

"Liar.What was that you were telling me earlier"

"Lines from a novel"

"Fine.Have it your way"

"I should go.Good night"

"Wait.Tell me something before you go"


"How far have you guys gone?"Somi asked

"In terms of what?"



"I got my answer.Thanks"

"I haven't told you anything "

"So there is something to tell after all right"


"Jungkook you are a filthy liar.Your eyes are telling me something else"

"We never had sex."he lied

"So you have only kissed?"

"Are we kids?"

Somi gasped dramatically"Say no more"

"Goodness knows what you are thinking.Anyways i have to go.Need to check if i will be sleeping on my own"

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