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Exactly five minutes later Jungkook screamed on top of his voice due to excitement.The shower had started and he couldn't stop jumping up and down like a kid.It was his first time witness a meteor shower so he wanted to enjoy it to the fullest.Taehyung only watched him in amusement and adoration.He loved how innocent his fiance was.

That night Jungkook was too excited to go to sleep.It was like he was reliving the childhood that had forgotten.He thanked his fiance for making his day before he fell asleep.Taehyung was proud of himself for impressing his fiance.This wasn't something anyone could do so he offered himself a pat on the shoulder for a job well done.

When morning came Jungkook woke up first and made breakfast for the both of them.As soon as Taehyung found out that he was missing from the bedroom he came to the kitchen and held him from behind like he had done the previous morning.When he had enough of being clingy he allowed Jungkook to serve their breakfast.

After breakfast together they had shower together because Taehyung had insisted that they shower together to save time.Jungkook knew it was more than that.Taehyung just wanted an an excuse to see the omega naked.Taehyung thought he was sly but the omega could see through him.

Eventually they got dressed and got ready to live the house.Taehyung dropped Jungkook at his place like he had promised.

"Thanks for dropping me home"

"Don't mention it.I'm the one who should be thanking you for spending the weekend with me.I don't think my house will be the same without you.Makes me want to marry you already.How about next month.What do you say?"

Jungkook blushed"Stop talking too much and get to work.You are running late"

"I'm not in a hurry...oh wait shit..I have "

"I thought as much"Jungkook grinned

"So when will i see you again ?"Taehyung arched a brow.

"I don't know.You tell me.I'm always free"the omega said

"Why don't you just move in with me already?"

"And do what ?Don't ever delude yourself into thinking that we will engage into activities that are meant for married people"

"And by activities that are meant for married people what exactly do you mean.As far as I'm concerned we are halfway there.You seem to have weak memory ,my love"Taehyung smirked

Jungkook's ears went red.How could he forget that their relationship wasn't so innocent already.

"Are you going to pretend that day didn't happen.What excuse do you have to offer.That you were drunk.I don't think so.Let me jog your memory,you asked me to touch you"


"Admit that you are a hypocrite first"

"No I'm not"Jungkook blushed furiously

"Then should i remind you of everything you made me do that day?"Taehyung asked teasingly

"I dare you"

"Don't worry your secret is safe with me"Taehyung winked and licked his lower lip.

"What secret?"Jungkook swallowed

"That you are freaky."Taehyung winked at the omega

"I would like to see you try Taehyung"the younger said a bit too loud

"Did you just admit that you are indeed freaky"

"I'm not"Jungkook yelled and smacked the alpha's chest.Taehyung grabbed the omega's hand and forced him into a kiss.

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