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Jungkook unlocked the door of his apartment around midnight.It wasn't like him to party till late and also dance with a stranger.He did all those things without feeling bad about it.At least he had forgotten all about Taehyung and that was the reason he had gone out in the first place.

He groped the switchboard in the dark to switch the lights on.He was feeling a bit tipsy so he had to lay down as soon as possible.He took off his shoes and swirled his neck.He waddled into the apartment and screamed out in horror when he found a man sitting in his living room.

"What...Where you sitting in the dark this whole time"

The intruder got onto his feet and approached the omega who wouldn't stop gulping now and again.Every time the alpha took a step forward the omega took one backwards.

"Where are you coming from at this hour and dressed liked that"

"Dressed like what?A slut.Just say it Taehyung"Jungkook yelled

"Don't put words in my mouth.Just answer my question"Taehyung retorted

"I don't answer to you"


"What are you doing to do about it.You aren't my mother.You are the one person who doesn't have any right to question me"

"I'm not gonna ask again Jungkook"

"I went drinking"

"With whom?"

"You aren't the only one who has important friends Taehyung.I hope you will always remember that"

"Look about this afternoon..."

"What are you even doing in my apartment?"Jungkook asked

"I have been calling you all day but you never answered.I had no option but to come here.When I didn't find you i decided to wait for you"

"What was so urgent.Did someone die?"Jungkook asked without any emotion

"I wanted to apologize.I crossed the line.I said too much and it was unnecessary.I hurt you and i couldn't live with myself"

"Why are you apologizing for making a point"the omega asked

"I was wrong.I really shouldn't have said any of the words i said to you.When i recalled everything i said I started hating myself for it.I never imagined myself saying all those things to you.I just couldn't believe it.I don't know what came over me.I couldn't go to bed without seeing you and apologize to you"

"So you think apologizing will make everything okay.Will your hurtful words become unsaid.Will i get back the tears i shed because of you.What about my emotions.Will you undo the hurt and anguish you caused me"tears were spilling out of the omega's eyes at this point


"Why bother apologize when you know nothing will change.What's the point.Sorry is just a word but when it hurts it isn't that simple"

Taehyung stared at Jungkook and no words came out no matter how much he tried.It was as if something was holding his tongue and preventing him from saying any word.

"Just go to her.You have proved it today that i mean nothing to you.Better yet why don't you go and marry her.You two look good together and would make cute babies"

"Don't say that Jungkook.You know you are overreacting right now.She is just a friend.I'm sorry for hurting you.I really am.Please believe me"

"I'm not going to forgive you"Jungkook said point blank

"I know"

"I hate you"Jungkook sobbed and Taehyung brought him into his arms as an attempt to console him.The omega started hitting the alpha's chest with his fits.After a little struggle Taehyung released the omega.

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