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At eleven in the evening Jungkook's friends had passed out in the living room.He didn't have a heart to send them home when they were that drunk.They weren't in any position to drive either.With great difficulty he dragged each one of them to his two spare bedrooms.When his friends were all tucked into their beds he started cleaning up the mess they had made in the living room.He wasn't sleepy and neither was he half drunk as his friends was.

At exactly midnight his doorbell rung.Usually he doesn't entertain guests at such an odd hour but he was curious to see who would dare ring his doorbell.He checked the intercom and saw the face he had been earning to see all week.The man was wearing a white shirt a black suit and tie .Over his arm he was hold a black trench coat.

Jungkook was about to open the door with a wide smile but thought about what that ridiculously handsome alpha had put him through all week.He wanted the older to know he was upset with him and he wanted Taehyung to make it up to him.He vowed not to make it easy for the alpha

So Jungkook composed himself and put on a resting bitch's face.He even contemplated not even opening the door.That would give the alpha a taste of his own medicine.

"Baby i know you are there.I know you are upset with me and you have every right.Let me in and i will explain"Taehyung said over the intercom.

Jungkook opened the door and stood there with his hands over his chest.He had his hair in a man bun and wearing black sweats that Taehyung had left behind that one time.


"How about you start explaining from right there "

"Aren't you going to let me in?"Taehyung asked

"Thats exactly what i said your honor.If you can't take it then you can leave.I won't die without you"

Taehyung sighed before starting"I don't even know where to start from.A lot happened"

"How about you start from why you never called and why my calls weren't going through"

"I lost my phone on our way to Busan.You can even check with my family.I don't have my phone"Taehyung explained desperately

"What was there in Busan?"Jungkook asked

"A funeral"

Jungkook's mouth opened but no word came .He suddenly felt bad for even throwing a tantrum.He should have asked himself why Taehyung was wearing all black.He wanted to slap himself so bad.Without a word he allowed the alpha inside.

Taehyung sat on the couch and Jungkook sat next to him.

"I missed you.Especially your eyes"

"I'm sorry about your uncle.I didnt know."the omega swallowed thickly

"That's because no one told you.Don't beat yourself up for it"

"Who...is it?Who died?"

"My mom's brother"

"My condolences to your family.He was your mother's brother and only sibling right"

Taehyung nodded

"Was he ill?"

"Heard he had a heart attack"

"How is your mom and her family holding up?"

"They are all still in shock.Mom is still in Busan with her family.Somi is with her"

Jungkook nodded"She should.They will need each during this tough time"

"Yeah.How have you been.Be honest"

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