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Taehyung was the one who actually paid for lunch.Afterwards he walked Jungkook to his car and then watched him leave.

The dreadful feeling that Jungkook had in the morning was replaced by something he couldn't quite explain.Maybe this marriage wasn't going to be as half bad as he had imagined.

Around four he received a call from his mother.He knew she was going to call and ask for details.

"Hello mom"

"Hey baby.How was your date.Did you like him"

"Mom can we please have one question at a time"

"Did you enjoy the date"

"The food was great because i wasn't paying for it.I let an alpha treat me for lunch yet I'm still alive"

"So the second question.Did you like him"

"Liking him or not doesn't change the fact that i have to get married to him"

"No one is going to force you.If you don't want to marry him that's perfectly fine.We will respect your wishes"

"I never said i didn't want to marry him mom"

"Then what"

"I just wished you had told me his name beforehand so i wouldn't make a fool of myself"

"You never asked for his name"

"You could have still told me mom"

"Is he someone you know?"

"Yes mom.He is the same judge i complained to you about"

"Why would Taehyung treat you like that.Doesn't he love you anymore"

"Well he did tell me the reason why he treated me like that.He explained how he was bitter because he thought i was pretending not to know him"

"Did you tell him the truth?"

"Yeah i did.At first he wasn't willing to believe me and he eventually did.And you know what mom"


"He apologized"

"How did you feel about that?"

"I felt really good.I would have never known that he was such a gentleman.I respect him for apologizing right there"

"So you do like him?"

"I don't like him but i don't hate him either"

"At least we are going somewhere.So are you ready to meet his parents"

"I don't want to go to see them without you"

"I wasn't planning to let you go alone.I will arrive at your apartment on Friday and the following day we will go to their house"

"Thanks mom"

"Tell me honestly.Do you see a future with him"

"Mom it's too early for that"

"You aren't hiding anything for me are you?"

"Of ..course not mom"

"I'm hanging up now.I love you"

"I love you more"

As soon as Jungkook got off the call with his mother,his doorbell rang.He went to get it and saw Jimin and Rose.

"Of course you would be here.Just so you know i have nothing to say to you"Jungkook said

"Details,details.We didn't come here for nothing"Jimin said

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