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The last place Jungkook thought Taehyung would take him was Han river.What was the occasion anyways.Taehyung parked the car and asked the omega to step out of the vehicle .They went and sat on the bench facing the water.

Jungkook was starting to get agitated when Taehyung hadn't said anything in over ten minutes.What was this supposed to mean.The older seemed to be deep in thoughts.

"Aren't you going to say anything.Did you bring me here for nothing"

Taehyung didn't say anything and the lack of response made the omega on edge.

"Taehyung if you don't want to talk to me then please just allow me to leave "

"Why didn't you tell her the truth?"the alpha asked

"Why didn't you?You had the perfect chance to do it"Jungkook said

"I wanted her to hear it from the horse's mouth"Taehyung said

"I'm sorry i couldn't do it"Jungkook looked down

"Does your career mean so much to you that you would deceive other people for it"

"I won't be who i am without it"Jungkook said with his head hung low

"How far are you willing to go for your dream"

"Taehyung...i have been meaning to say this to you since the last time we met..."


"You don't have to marry me if you don't want to anymore.I would understand this more than anyone else.Our parents aren't forcing us into this.They want us to get married because we want to not because of any compulsion"

"What are you saying?"the older asked

"It's straightforward Taehyung.Quite simple actually.Go ahead and call off the wedding.I will find someone who is willing to help me.That was the plan.Tell them you don't want to marry me anymore.That's the only option we have"

"Why is that even an option?"Taehyung asked calmly

"You hate me Taehyung and you will always remind me of how i deceived you if we get married.I don't want to deal with your hatred all my life.I can't have that.Calling off the wedding is the way to go for us"

"Are you serious.Now you want to punish me because i reacted to your deceit?"Taehyung asked

"No.I'm making things simpler for the both of us"Jungkook said lowly

"No it's not for us.It's a selfish decision.You don't care who you marry because all you need is a husband but what about me who has waited twenty years for you.Is your decision fair?"

"Then what do you want me to do?I don't want you to be mad at me whenever you see me"the younger argued

"Fine.You have won.I won't bring this issue over again.I wont mention it to anyone.For the sake of peace.I love you too much to just let you go.I'm willing to make compromises"

"What?"..Jungkook was beyond stunned.He wasn't expecting this at all

"Let's get married as planned"Taehyung said as if he didn't want to talk at all

"I didn't quite hear you"

"Please"Taehyung whispered softly

"I'm not going to marry you"Jungkook said with a frown


"Because you are mean , rude and scary.You are bitter ,angry and hold grudges.I don't want a husband like you"

"I have many flaws but i love you.I have loved you since i was ten.What do i do?"Taehyung asked innocently

"Are you serious about this?"Jungkook asked,his tone firm

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