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Jungkook tapped Taehyung's door gently before pushing it open.He found the alpha sitting on his bed.

"Hey baby"

"I'm here"Jungkook said

"Come and sleep closer to me"


"I'm not gonna eat you"

"But the way you are talking and looking at me says otherwise.If you try anything funny your whole family is going to know of it"

"How am i supposed to look at you?"Taehyung raised an eyebrow

"Maybe in the same way you look at your sister.Try not to look like you want to devour me.I'm not food"

"I will try.Come here"

Jungkook sat on the edge of the bed while Taehyung reached for something in the drawer of his bedside table.It was a green jewelry case.

"I got something for us"

"What?Tiffany and Co?Humor me"

"Matching bracelets.I know it sounds cliche but i never had the chance to do it with anyone.I would really like it if you would accept it"the older said

"If i refuse to wear it you will probably not talk to me until we get married so I'm not going to take any chances.Besides i don't want to die without wearing a couple's bracelet for once in my life.I will have something to brag about to my friends"

"Fair enough"Taehyung took out a set of Tiffany Lock Bangle in white gold with Full Pave Diamonds.Jungkook took them and studied them closely.The case was had the name Tiffany and Co on them.

"Must have been expensive"

"Not that much.What matters is do you like them or not"

"They look heavy but they really aren't that heavy.They are fashioned yet light and comfortable to go around wearing"

"Do you want to know the best part about these?"Taehyung asked

"Tell me"

"Take a look on the inside"

Jungkook noticed that the bracelets had initials engraved on them.He had only seen such things in the movies.A shiver ran down his spine and his eyes sparkled with excitement.


"I'm yours and you are mine so you will take the one with my initials and i will take the one with yours"

"How beautiful.This makes them even more special.Thank you"Jungkook smiled gleefully

"Do you want me to help you put it "

Jungkook nodded and Taehyung did so.

"When did you think about this?"the omega asked

"I saw them the day we went to get your ring.I went back the next day and asked them to engrave our initials on it"

"Who would have known that Judge Kim is this romantic"Jungkook teased

"Don't push it"

"I can tell my friends that you aren't at all as menacing and cold as the world thinks.I have seen your cute side and i bet no one will believe me"the younger said

"Funny.When was i ever cute"

"Doesn't the word cute exist in your dictionary?"

"Definitely not"

"I will go downstairs now.Catch you later"

"To do what"

"I need to help out.There a function and.i want to help clean up.I don't want them to think I'm hiding up here"

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