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Jungkook had told himself that he was going to ignore all the drama that was going in his life.He wanted to love himself and be his own happiness.It wasn't like he was going to tell Taehyung to stop being friends with her because his peace of mind was threatened.The alpha was never going to do such a thing.Jungkook also understood because he also wouldn't tolerate anyone telling him to stop being friends with someone he had known forever.Take Jimin for instance.

A few days later Jungkook was out grocery shopping in the evening.He went out by foot as he needed some air.When he was on his way back he noticed that a car was following him from behind.He rolled his eyes when he realized who it was.By then the car was driving slowly besides him and the window was rolled down.

"Don't you have anything better to do with your life other than stalking me Taehyung?"

"Let me take you to dinner"

"I have already eaten"

"Then let me drop you home?

"I didn't take my car because i wanted to walk so no thanks"

"Baby I'm sorry"

"For what?Speaking your mind.Trust me that's nothing to be sorry about.Go and spend all your time with your friend.I won't be in your way.I have learned what my place in your life is"

"Do you want me to get on my knees in public and ask for your forgiveness?"

"As if"

Suddenly the car stopped and Taehyung got down.He stood in front of the omega and got on his knees.Jungkook was bewildered.

"What on earth do you think you are doing?"the omega whisper yelled

"Asking for your forgiveness"

"You don't need to do that.Please stop creating a scene.People are watching.I don't want drama.Get up"

"Tell me you forgive me"

"I have forgiven you.What will people think.Goodness just get up"

"Let me take you home"Taehyung offered and Jungkook couldn't say no when other people were watching.

"I will take that"Taehyung said as he took the omega's groceries and placed them in his car trunk.

Jungkook got in the car but never said a word until they got to his apartment.Taehyung carried the omega's groceries to his floor but wasn't allowed to get into his apartment.The door was shut onto his face and he had to leave.

After a week of being ignored Taehyung decided to take matters into his own hands.Jungkook had every right to be upset.What they had was a petty fight and wasn't supposed to be drugged out for this long.

Jungkook was coming back from his usual walk to and from the supermarket.Suddenly an unknown vehicle pulled up in front of him and before he realized it he was being loaded into the same vehicle.As he was about to scream a hand had covered his mouth.No sooner he was blind folded.

Somehow he bit the hand that was covering his mouth and started uttering curses left and right.The men who had kidnapped him didn't say a word until they arrived at their destination.

Jungkook was dragged out of the van and taken into a building.He heard a familiar voice thanking the man who had kidnapped him.Taehyung?There is no way in hell.If it turns out to be true he was going to kill a bitch.

Eventually his blind fold was taken off and it was indeed Taehyung in front of him.He realized he was in the alpha's home.

"Welcome home sweetheart"

Jungkook responded to that by kicking him where the sun doesn't rise.

"Jungkook"Taehyung cried in anguish."Why did you do that?"

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