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The next morning Jungkook was on the road again.Funny he had come to his hometown to relax and unwind but the trip had gotten him more stressed than he had imagined.He wished he had never gone back home for a break in the first place.Then yet again he realized that he couldn't avoid it.

On his way he was wondering what kind of person would wait twenty years to marry someone.Was that man even real.He would have fallen out of love with him already right.As the saying goes ,out of sight out of mind.Jungkook would have done anything so this marriage wouldn't happen but it so happened that he was in desperate need of a husband.Even if it was wrong he was going to use this situation to his advantage and get his career back on track.For his plan to succeed he was going to make sure that his so called fiance never finds out that he desperately needed a husband.

When he arrived at his apartment he unlocked his door,kicked off his shoes and threw his bag on the couch.With slow steps he strode to his freezer and grabbed a bottle of water and chugged it down.He had a nagging headache and he didn't have any painkillers around in the apartment.He didn't feel like going to the pharmacy either.The option he had at the moment was to drink a lot of water and sleep it off.When he had made up his mind he grabbed the water bottle and went to his bedroom.

He drank more of the water before deciding to lay down.It was still ten in morning and he was wondering what he was going to do for the rest of day.He didn't know what it was going to take him to get used to staying at home and doing nothing.That kind of life just wasn't for him .

This helplessness was what motivated him to marry his so called fiance.After thinking about it he realized that he had a lot to gain and little to lose.As far as his independence was concerned he was just going to make sure that the marriage was going to be on his terms.He refused to let any alpha oppress him him and tell him how to live his life all in the name of marriage.He was only going to agree to get tied down because he was helpless.

Without realizing it he spent the entire day in bed without food.He had no idea where all the sleep had suddenly came from.Around eight in the evening Jimin lit up his phone.

"Hello hyung"

"Kookie you sleeping?"

"I just woke up"

"Oh.I just got off work and i thought of calling you.I'm kinda missing you.If you were here we would have gone out like we do every Friday"

"I miss you too hyung.Terribly"

"Isn't Busan fun"

"I'm not in Busan anymore"

"Then where on earth are you.I thought you were dying to spend time with your mother"

"I got back today.I'm in my apartment right now"

"Why are you back so soon.Didn't you plan to stay there for at least a month"

"Well plans don't always work out"

"What's wrong.Talk to hyung"

"My whole life has been a lie.You will not believe what my mom told me hyung."

"Can i come over"


"Do you have something to eat.I haven't had dinner yet and man I'm starving"

"There is nothing here.I haven't cooked and i doubt there is anything besides water in the fridge.I had cleared it out before i left for Busan"

"Fine then.I will grab some takeaway for the two of us"

"Thank you hyung"

"I will hang up now"


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