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"Somi do you think marriage is worthy it"

"It's a scam.There are a lot of things they didn't tell us regarding marriage.Like how it's not exactly a bed of roses .Talk about the drama and the ups and downs.It's scary and traumatizing.Love isn't always enough for a marriage to function"

"Shouldn't i just not do it?"Jungkook asked

"You don't want to marry my brother anymore but you said you like him didn't you?"

"But you said marriage is scary"

"Don't be silly Jungkook.Will you let my brother down just because i said that.He has dreamt of getting married to you for twenty years Jungkook.Come on"

"I'm having cold feet"the omega pouted

"That's cute"

They arrived to the backyard where the party was being held.

"Get over here you two.The photographer is here.Let's pause for a family photo"

"Sure mom"

"Kookie go and stand besides your man.Don't be shy"

Jungkook sighed in defeat.Here he was trying to avoid his fiance and here his soon to be mother in law had to cause problems for him.It was as if she was aware that they were fighting and wanted to patch things up.Somi made way for Jungkook so he could stand besides his fiance.

"Hie"Taehyung said as he casually wrapped his arm around the omega's waist.Jungkook gasped.He hadn't realized how much he missed the older's touch.His mind was telling him to slap Taehyung's hand but his body wasn't listening to him.

"Don't talk to me"

"Until when?"

"Until i die"

"I can't do that"

"Look at the camera and smile Taehyung.Your mom wants the picture to come out nice"

"That's not my concern"

"Stop talking.Your mom is giving us the side eye"

"Can this just end already"

Jungkook ignored his fiance and flashed his best smile for the camera.

"Are you smiling for the camera or for the photographer Jungkook"

"What do you think?"

"He seems married"

"I don't think i care"

"Okay guys.Thanks for cooperating.Good work.It's time for lunch"Mrs Kim announced

"Finally.Let's get something to eat"

"I'm not hungry"

"Are you sure.Are you on a strict diet"

"Why do you care?You are the reason why I'm losing weight anyways"Jungkook said harshly

"I'm sorry.Just let me feed you"

"I told you i don't want to eat"

"Mom.."Taehyung called out to his mother and the omega panicked.He knew the alpha was going to tell his mother that the omega was refusing to eat.He slapped the alpha's arm.Lucky for him Mrs Kim hadn't heard him.

"What do you think you are doing?"the omega hissed

"Uhm calling my mom.What do you think?"

"Why are you calling her"

"Because someone doesn't want to eat"

"I will eat"


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