Chapter 1: "I cant wait until my birthday."

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       I wish I could start off by saying my life is all Peaches N' Cream but it's not. I'm Jadah Ryan daughter of Larry and Lauren Ryan; betas to the SilverMist pack, I have a wonderful family who I wouldn't trade for all the riches in the world. It consists of my mom, dad, my older brothers, and older sister.

All of my siblings names start with an "L" and I know that makes you wonder,

"Why does her name start with a 'J' ?"

Well, my mom always told me I looked like a Jadah; strong, with a fierce spirit but my mom was wrong. So complete, and utterly wrong.

I'm not like that at all. I'm timid, quiet, nervous, and shy. I can't even stand up for myself against the racist teens at my school! I mean you'd think that the Beta, a black man with power would mean they'd respect his daughter.

And they do don't get me wrong, just not this daughter.

My brothers and sister get royalty treatment: Respect, admiration, and kindness. I on the other hand get shoved. I know they can't always protect me from everyone and I have to learn to stand up for myself but I can't. I'm too scared. I hate confrontation. I'd rather get a couple of shoves, and, verbal assaults than actually grow a pair and have Kim, and her minions ruin me.

Our pack is pretty normal sized, around 50-100 members. Our Alpha is my dads bestfriend who tolerates me. He believes that I'm useless and too weak to be the betas daughter. Many people don't like me because I'm timid and "anti-Social" and truth be told: I talk, but no one makes the effort to get to know me. I go to school and pass all of my classes with A's just to go home, and be a loner all day. Hoping that at some point Chris Brown will come to my house, dance for me then take me away from this hell!


Rolling my eyes and growling I shut off my alarm. I sat up and stretched my stiff muscles, groaning when they popped. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes before trying to get up and go to the bathroom but my legs were tangled in the covers and I fell face first to the floor.

"Ow." I grunted. Then I heard my door open.

"Jadah?" My sisters voice filled my ears.

"Down here." I said getting up from the floor.

"Oh. False alarm! She just fell out of bed again!" My sisters loud voice bounced off the walls, making me cover my ears.

"Get out big mouth!" I sent daggers her way still holding my ears. She chuckled before closing the door. Ugh.

I trudged to the bathroom and flicked on the light. When I saw myself in the mirror I knew I slept good. My face had dried up slob on it, my hair had slipped out it's bonnet, and my face was ashy. I went to the shower and turned it to my desired temperature then stripped out of my t-shirt. When I hopped in I let the water loosen my stiff muscles, then washed my body with my honey and Jasmines body wash.

When I was done I wrapped myself in a towel, then went to the sink to wash my face, and brush my teeth. Putting my toothbrush away I caught a glimpse of myself. My brown eyes caught the light making them shine , my thick twists hung past my shoulders, and my brown skin glistened. Compared to the other girls in the pack I'm average. They have toned perfect bodies while I have...a body and wear baggy clothes to hide it.

Such beautiful thoughts to have about yourself Jay.

I rolled my eyes and walked out to slip on my comfy cotton panties, some black baggy sweatpants, a black long sleeved shirt, and my black and white converse. I untwisted my hair and picked it out until it grew into a large Afro; I laid my edges and grabbed my stuff and ran downstairs.

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