Chapter 4: "Everyone needs family"

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She's gone. I let my mate slip through my fingers. I was stupid enough to let how people viewed her to make me reject her. She was right, this wasn't supposed to happen. She's supposed to be here in my arms safe but I bullied her and drove her away. I can't believe I was so fucking stupid!

When I got to school that day I was hit with most amazing scent of Jasmines and honey. It was making my wolf and I go crazy! When Jadah came up to me her scent hit me like a ton of bricks. She was the beautiful scent I was smelling and she happened to find me first and when she did I was openly lost in her big brown eyes.

I've always liked Jadah, she was so different from everyone else in the pack. She was shy, had good grades, and she didn't care what people thought but despite that she still cared what I thought. My words hurt her the most out of anyone's and I saw that, and I ran with it.

Her eyes were like hershey kisses with golden specks in them. She looked beautiful in that flannel dress, showing off her long legs, those nice black wedges that made her taller, and for the first time in forever she wore her hair down just for me. Her mate. I knew how long Jadah longed for her mate and it just so happened to be me.

When I said all those mean things to her I felt like my heart was being squeezed in a tight fist. Her once happy face was filled with hurt, blood, and so much sadness. It took all of my restraint not to kill everyone in that room and take her away from there.

That room. The room that will now forever be a reminder of how I contributed to her defilement. Her screams that echoed off the walls, her red puffy eyes, bloody nose, and that large crack in the wall from where her fragile body slammed against.

When I touched Kim it was disgusting, sickening, revolting and anything else that favors distaste. My wolf refuses to talk to me and I can feel him growing more, and more distant. When I hit Jadah in the face he disappeared after telling me off. I would punch myself in the face if I could for ever hitting a woman like that let along my mate.

I want to hold her, kiss her plump lips, apologize, to change the image she's painted in her head of me.

Tears started pouring from my eyes.

"Jadah I'm so sorry." I whispered to myself in defeat. When I saw how her wolf had changed her it scared me. She wasn't the sweet, and quiet Jadah like at school. She was meaner, and more badass. Her wolf's eyes were a beautiful piercing blue that made my wolf purr in appreciation that she was ours but when she said all of those things about me and the pack my wolf howled in pain. He wanted to go to her and beg for her forgiveness but my pride got in the way.

When she said she was leaving my wolf was clawing to get out and demand her to stay. Even though I said all of those things to her, and I acted nonchalant it was the exact opposite of how I felt.

The pack was following my orders, they didn't want their future Luna to go but there was no way I could stop her because we all had hurt her. We walked to her house and waited for her to come out when I saw the two duffel bags in her hands I eyed those bags wishing they would disappear. I tried to form my lips to say something, anything but there was a basketball sized lump in my throat that didn't allow me to speak, only sulk in her presence but she didn't care. She left hurt but happy to be away from us and I realized something. I need her.

I was riding in my car as my music played softly in the background while lightly tapping my fingers on the steering wheel when two girls ran out into the road. I stomped on the brakes and soon after a wolf covered in blood ran after them.

"Shift Jadah." Amaris said to me. I parked my car on the side of the road and thought of my wolf. Our beautiful white fur, blue eyes, and sharp canines. Soon I felt the mild pain of my bones breaking into place, and my clothes ripping off of my body. Before long I was in my-

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