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My mouth was wide open as I took in the man before me.He had a curly mop of curls on his head,tall,tan,some elderly wrinkles around his light hazel eyes,and he was standing next to Lauren.

My eyes shifted from him to my smiling ex mother,then they went back to him like a dance between my eyes and them.They look just alike except he looks older by a few years but other than that the resemblance is uncanny.

"Lauren who is this?"I asked waiting for an answer while eyeing this stranger.His eyebrows rose when I addressed her by Lauren.She just shook her head at him before sending a smile my way.

She placed a hand on his shoulder before saying,"Jadah this is my brother Liam.Remember the one I told you about?"She asked,my mind drifted back to the hospital when she told me of her older brother and sister.My eyes widened in shock,

"Oh okay but how come you're here?"I asked him tilting my head to the side.

He chuckled before his face went serious,"I'm here to help you guys defeat Talen."He said making my eyes widen.

I was flabbergasted,"W-well shouldn't you be out there helping them?!"I yelled throwing my hands upwards towards the ceiling where my family and pack are.I inhaled and exhaled taking deep breaths when they shushed me.Some of the sleeping children stirred in their sleep.I eyes the last little girl with long black hair as she stopped stirring with one last deep breath before she relaxed.

When I calmed down I looked back to the two siblings in front of me.One thing that had me bursting with relief was that we have help.

"The light from within defeats the darkness with the help of kin"I heard Amaris whisper in my head,my eyes widened.

I totally forgot about what grandma Vega said.Now it makes sense.He's the help to defeat Talen,but I have yet to figure out what the light with in is.

Maybe it's that weird light that came-

"Jadah we need to come up with a plan to help your pack."Liam said before removing his brown jacket,revealing arms full of  muscles and a long ghastly scar that started from the top of his shoulder and ended right above his wrist.

Both me and Lauren's eyes widened as our eyes zeroed in on the large scar on his arm which looked like he recently got into a match to the death.I tried my hardest to ignore it but I was curious about it,I didn't ponder too long before I waddled to the bed and slowly lowered myself on it while holding my belly.

When I was comfortable enough I gave them both my full attention,

"So I've seen what Talen can do,sickening.He's been crossing nearby territory's recruiting wolves to help him fight and when they refuse he threatens or kills them.It depends on how he feels."He said which made my eyebrows rise.

"How does he know?Wouldn't Talen have caught him if he did?Talen isn't stupid I'm sure of it so I'm pretty sure he would've known if he was being spied on."I thought to myself,I felt Amaris nod in agreement within me which made me place a hand protectively over my babies.Who is this guy?

When a hand grabbed my hand I was broken out of my reverie.I looked to my left and saw Lauren holding my hand but was still facing her brother.I eyed her curiously before facing her brother and lightly squeezing her hand.

"How did you see what Talen has done without being caught?"I asked eyeing him.He turned to me with a blank expression before he smiled.

"I'm a rogue.I get around,but that's not important right now we need to focus on getting outside this room."He said before getting up and heading over to the hatch.

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