Chapter 3: "You dont know the meaning of a pack"

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Her birthday outfit👆🏽👆🏽😘

After our little group hug I continued to eat my food, Lucas then bounded into the kitchen but didn't even glance my way.

"Lucas?" I asked and he rolled his eyes before continuing to roam through the fridge.

"Was it something I did?" I inquired, he huffed in annoyance before turning to face me a scowl obviously on his face. I flinched away not prepared for the animosity.

"You want to know what you did?" I nodded, "We all have been worried sick about you, then you come home different, thinking you're better because you're a white wolf." He said envy venom lacing his words.

My eyes widened at the confession,"Lucas I can't control what color my wolf is, and why are you mad at me for that? I would've expected my brother to be proud or happy for me since I did shift alone and I came back alive. Not to have you chew my head off about something out of my control." I said feeling a mixture of hurt and anger. "I don't want to be treated differently because of something out of my rule." When I looked up at Lucas he was still glaring at me and then without another glance he left. He just walked out without another word. Whatever.

I ran upstairs to my room and laid down on my back, just staring at the ceiling. I'm gone for one day and it goes from good to bad, I shouldn't be surprised though huh? I huffed loudly before closing my eyes and turning over, succumbing to the darkness.


This time I didn't groan before waking up I yelled in excitement.

"IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!" I earned a few protests but that didn't stop me. I hopped up and started jumping on my bed doing a little dance.

I hopped off my bed landing gracefully thanks to my wolf. I ran to the bathroom and this time I took a bath. I turned on the water, then poured in my bubble soap, next was my favorite part. I hopped in splashing water everywhere.

I made sure I lathered my whole body until I smelled completely of Jasmines,and Honey. After I was done, my hair was still a little damp from yesterday so I defused my hair.

When I was done I fluffed my hair out to my desired look. Running out the bathroom as naked as the day I was born, into my closet I decided on a black and red flannel dress, some black wedges, my gold watch, my gold diamond earrings, and a rose flower headband.

When I was done I shakily walked over to my full mirror. I did pretty good for a girl who only wears pineapples, sweatpants, and sweat shirts. I smiled in the mirror before walking around my room breaking in my shoes to be sure I didn't fall today. When I knew I was stable I grabbed my book bag, and walked out of my room downstairs.

When I got downstairs my family was sitting at the table talking but when I came in they were all awestruck. My dad almost cried when he saw me.

He got up and walked over to me before pulling me into one of his bear hugs. "My beautiful baby girl. This is the day you become one with your mate." He said sniffling a bit, I just smiled at him.

"Daddy you won't lose me, I'll always be your baby girl." I said with a tear falling from my eye.

"Happy birthday Jadah." He whispered in my ear before backing away and wiping his eyes.

"Oh my baby, you look so beautiful! You get that from ya mama huh?! Look at you. You look so grown up, Happy birthday baby." My mom said before pulling me into one of her bone-crushing hugs.

"Thanks mama." I breathed out before pulling back. Then Leila was in front of me.

"You'll always be my baby sis and I'll always love you." She said, then she whacked my forehead.

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