Chapter 18: Something big is ahead

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I was walking away from Kendall and Marcy's room to give them privacy, while looking for Mal's ass; That's why he sent Kendall in there. the clever bastard. I walked into our room and noticed he wasn't in there, I walked back out and went downstairs. He still wasn't there so I mind linked him,

"Mal?" I asked, there was a pause before he answered me back,

"Yes angel." He asked innocently,

"Where are you? And you knew Kendall and Marcy were mates!" I shouted,

"I'm putting patrols near the border. I'm still confused as to how the guards let her slip right under their noses... And I didn't tell you about them because sweetheart you're smart, you would have easily picked up on it yourself." He said, but that is weird. How did she slip under their noses and get that close to the pack. They should have at least smelt her unless they let her pass.

"Mal. Do you think someone let her pass?" I asked. There was a moment of silence before he spoke,

"Maybe but you do you think the rogues sent her here on purpose? Think about it, she could be fooling us and planning to lower our numbers from the inside." He said and they could have, but Marcy just seems so frail and innocent.

"Maybe, can we discuss this in the morning? Lets give them sometime." I said. He gave me a grunt in response before he cut our link.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen where you all know my family was, when I reached the kitchen I noticed the pack was also in there but what I didn't understand was why Mira and Warren were in there.

Looking at Jax he gave me a look already knowing what I was thinking. Nodding his head I dropped the issue heading over to them. I noticed the SilverMist pack was more relaxed and felt more comfortable hanging out my family, I smiled because a few days ago they were scared to even approach us.

"You hungry?" I nodded hopping on the counter letting Sam make my sandwiches. I rolled my eyes noticing his mouth was filled with lunch meat. All of a sudden someone grabbed my arm and pulled me off the counter. When I turned my head I was shocked to see Kim.

I took my arm out of her hand and folded them over my chest."Yes?" I asked taking in her appearance, she wasn't wearing her usual slutty get-up, she actually was wearing a t-shirt and some shorts. For once her hair wasn't dry hair spray filled waves down her back, it was up in a bun.

"I just wanted to say sorry." She said sincerely,

"For what?" I asked wanting her to explain.

"For everything. For being a bitch to you, for trying to steal your mate, and for putting you through all that pain." She said with tears in her eyes. My own eyes widened,

"Since I've been being a bitch I know my mate won't want me." She sobbed,"I can't do anything right just like Malachi said! I'm useless." She cried into her hands.

"Like I said it doesn't matter what you did in the past, only what you do in the future. All of that won't even matter when you find each other. Now wipe your face and stop being a bitch and be yourself." I finished and she laughed before nodding her head.

"Okay. Thanks Jadah, I wish we could've been friends." She said to me, I nodded back with a smile.

She returned it before going to her room.

I walked back into the kitchen to see everyone watching me. I stopped with wide eyes,

"What?" I asked, Everyone laughed and I rolled my eyes fighting a smile,

"We just seen the little scene over there, she wants to be your friend and maybe you girls could be bestfri-"

"Hold up! Skurtt! Bring it back." Georgie cut in, I smiled at her,

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