Chapter 6: "Welcome to the DarkKnight Pack."

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Georgia's demeanor became frosty, her eyes were empty, and her lips were pressed together in a firm line.

Breathing in and sitting up she spoke, "As you all know the rouge sitings have been growing. Our pack was filled with some of the best fighter my father being one of them, he was our general. He lead and planned every mission and I was right there with him,"She smiled a bit, "we'd often go to other packs to help them fight; until one night we couldn't even protect ourselves" Shame hung heavily in her words, Gin frowned wanting to comfort her sister. "They disguised themselves as survivors from an attack by rouges, using that as their cover for why they smelled like rotten meat. There was no way of actually telling if they were from a pack or not, I mean they had kids!" Her eyes started watering, she blew out a breath,

"When I first saw them I knew something was off. I told dad but he was far too stubborn, and busy to actually take a good look at them." She shook her head, "Their eyes were wild, they looked like they were just itching to make a move. A few days later Gin and I were in my room when our power went off. Something in my heart told me something wasn't right. My first instinct was to go find my mom but my gut told me to grab Gin and hide. I couldn't put both of us at risk. I grabbed Gin and we hid in the closet. I heard my mother call for us but before she even reached my room it was faint but I heard flesh ripping." Tears ran down her face, " I heard him creeping towards my room so I put Ginger in the back of my closet and took him out, as quietly as I could; I wasn't sure how many people had come with him. Afterwards I grabbed Gin and went down the hall, I heard three more men so I helped Ginger out the window before putting her on my back and running. We were almost outta the clear until I picked up on my dads scent. He was headed back home to look for my mom. I couldn't just let him d-die! So I hid Ginger and ran back to try to stop him."

"When I reached our home, there were bodies of rouges scattered over our lawn, I smelled three still in the area. I heard a ruckus coming from the inside of our house so I ran and tried to help. A rouge attacked me before I could make it in the house, luckily for me my dad gave me some training. I fought and fought for what seemed to be for hours until I caught whiff of my dad. The rouge had me pinned until he was knocked out. I looked up and saw my old man covered in blood, gashes and holes. His long locks I used to love were ripped out in places, his dark skin was dowsed in blood, those dark mysterious eyes bloodshot and swollen, he looked so bad."she sobbed " Even on the verge of death he protected me. He protected me...Soon after he passed and I had to get back to Ginger. There were rouges approaching our border and I had to get us somewhere safe. When I got to Ginger I carried her and ran and ran. Idk how but it felt like I was stunned, a random surge of electricity ran through my body and I dropped Gin. I heard someone approaching us quickly but I fought and I fought until I got up and ran. I kept running and running even at night I barely rested. He was on our trail. I kept running and running until I found that highway and Jadah came down the road." She took a pause, " Worst part about it all is that I didn't even get to bury them, Who knows their bodies are probably still there. I wish I would've done more for them after they left. I loved my parents so much and if I would've, could've known that'd be my last time seeing them I would've held them a little tighter." She started sobbing and I had gotten up to hug her.

She never told me what happened to her family, We both had lost our family. I buried my face in her shoulder and cried. Gin came over and hugged her sister.

"Be up early, tomorrow I'll introduce you to the pack; we'll have a ceremony and go from there. Everyone get some rest." As he was getting up he gave a nod to Martin, and Levi.

Everyone dispersed, I got up from the floor and helped Georgia up. The three of us walked upstairs to our rooms.

Before entering my room I said goodnight to Georgia who muttered something before taking Ginger and closing the door. I tiredly walked over to my bed and hopped under the covers and as soon as I did I was out like a light.

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