Chapter 21: The kidnapping part 2, A mate for a mate

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I watched as Samantha stood in the middle of the room with a gun, and her arm around my mates neck. He was bruised, and battered, barely supporting his self. I knew they had given him 2 times as much of that drug as they had given me. I looked at his wrists and they were burned from the tight silver handcuffs around them.

I stood deathly still, switching between Mal and her, barely breathing. I stayed calm holding her stare before speaking,"Sam. Please stop and think about what you're doing." I said keeping my eyes on Mal.

She let out a humorless pain filled laugh,"You actually expect me to give you your mate back, after you killed mine?" She asked incredulously,

"Samantha! Your mate was a monster and you know it. I didn't plan on killing him, I had to defend myself, he was planning on doing the unspeakable down there!" I stepped closer cautiously, she backed up pushing the gun into his head."I'm sorry for the pain it'll bring you but please hand me my mate, Do one last good deed before you leave here." I said.

"You stupid insensitive bitch! Despite all the terrible things he'd done to me and others, I still loved him!" She yelled tears coming out of her eyes, her hand holding the gun started shaking, I eyed it before looking at her face,"It was all because of you!" She accused,

I jumped startled, stopping myself from inching closer,"How can you put that on me? You supported his antics, every single last one of them." I moved closer,

Sam was shaking her head 'No' with tears still coming from her eyes,"I tried to get him to stop but he wouldn't listen." She whispered,"He said he would stop, I believed him but he kept doing things!" She cried dropping her hand a bit,

"I'm so sorry Sam. I went through the same thing you did," I said stepping closer to her,

She looked up at me,"No you didn't. Your life is perfect, you have the perfect mate, you're the Luna, you have the perfect family, and you will be able to bare your mates pups. I can't do any of that because you killed him!" She angrily yelled gripping the gun tighter.

"Sam lower the gun." I begged,

"No. I'm gonna put a bullet through his pretty head and we'll all cross over into those golden gates." She said sarcastically. I growled panicking, she only smirked before putting her finger on the trigger. I felt the the dam of tears I had gathered over the night weaken. I stepped forward then broke into a full blown sprint.

Before she could pull the trigger I pushed my hand forward and she flew through the glass window. I ran to catch Mal, he was so weak his breathing was slow and he could barely see out of his swollen eyes. He let out a breath of relief as he sunk into my arms,

"Thank you goddess." I mouthed laying my head on top of his.

After I healed him enough so that he could walk I turned to Olivia,"Thank you so much." I pulled her into a hug," I owe you everything." I said before pulling back.

"We're even, you got rid of Ethan, and freed me-us!" I smiled blushing a bit,

Taking off his shirt he handed it to me,"It's a good thing you dealt with him before I got the chance to." He growled out, I didn't even want to tell him what happened.

After putting on the shirt I asked,"So where are the others?"

She didn't say, she couldn't say so she lead us to it, the smell of blood, semen, and filth got stronger on the way and I couldn't hold it in I puked again. Wiping my mouth and letting Mal guide me forward.

Soon we came upon a huge brown door, it was cracked, splintered, and slightly wet. I took a shallow breath before pulling the door open. My feet were still bare and I could feel the wet ,cold, and moldy concrete floor beneath my feet, I peered up at Mal and Olivia before I turned back around and headed down the caving halls.

I could feel how weak ,tired, and sad they were with every step I took getting closer to them. Amaris and Mal stayed alert as we trekked deeper into the dungeon. We kept walking until we came across another door just like the first one, I pulled on the door, bracing for the unwelcome, strongest wave of ick I've been hit with.

I heard silent crying, and faint screams as I saw movement in one of the open cells.

"It's alright we're here to get you out. My name's Jadah." I smiled, ignoring the nasty floor as I stepped closer. I seen two little bodies huddled in a corner, one had unkempt long ponytails and missing hair balls, and the others hair was matted in a puff on her head. Their eyes caught mine and I gasped,

"Sarai, and Annissa?" I felt tears, they stayed together just like I told them to. I opened their cell and ran over to them,

"Oh girls I was so worried about you." I said holding them close to me,

"Jadah?" Sarais' little raspy voice said before she relaxed.

"I told you I would come back." I felt their warm tears hit my shoulders,

"T-they took away o-our m-mommies." Annissa cried. I hugged them tighter feeling my own tears come into my eyes.

"They're probably here." I said sounding hopeful. My heart stopped when they shook their heads 'No'. They cried harder and I squeezed harder.

"It will be okay, you girls can stay with me. You can come to my pack where there are other little kids like you, I will take care of you. I promise." I vowed. These little girls are in my care now and I will protect them, I'll do it for their parents.

I stood up slowly taking both of their hands in one of mine before we turned around and made it out the cell. I noticed Heath, James his third in command, and the rest of their pack was out of their cells and more scrawnier than before.

When they noticed me shock filled their faces, I smiled before stepping over to Mal with the girls at my side. Heath spoke first,"Jadah I see we meet again." Mal looked down at me,

"They're from the PurpleViper Pack, guys this is Mal my mate." I said and he smiled at me.

"Thank you so much for saving us. We're forever indebted to you." He said sincerely but I shook my head 'No'.

"I would have come down for you guys in a heart beat." I said with a smile.

"Can we get out of here? I prefer not to stay in this place any longer." Olivia said cringing looking around,

I held on tightly to Sarai, and Annissas' hands as we made our way outside. The girls were getting excited, talking to each other with so much charge, I smiled down at them. We walked outside and I squinted my eyes from the bright sunlight, everyone smiled and laughed before they ran into the open space in the front, I let the girls run but told them to stay close and together, they nodded before running away with me watching them like a hawk.

"You're going to be a great mother." Mal whispered in my ear kissing my cheek.

"Thanks. Lets go home, I smell, and you owe me some of your personal attention. Remember what you said?" I asked slyly,

"Of course how could I forget? Your ass is mine when we get back." He said in my ear seductively before slapping my behind. I was about to run off the porch but a gun shot caught my attention. I turned towards the front door and saw Samantha with the gun in her hand, blood coming down her forehead, and a tired yet triumphant smile. She leaned up against the door way before she spoke,

"Now we're even. A mate for a mate." She said cruelly. I looked towards Mal and saw him look down at his chest before looking up at me. His blue eyes were dulling and red was pouring from his chest through his shirt, he collapsed to the ground inhaling and exhaling quickly. It was like slow motion.

We were just laughing and talking, then he's getting shot. I felt like my heart was being torn from my chest. Pure and raw rage.

All hells about to break loose.

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