Chapter17: Family Reunion

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I was frozen. I looked at my former parents, and my old Alpha and Luna. My parents looked all worn out and melancholy, their bags on the ground beside them. I glanced at Warren and Mira who looked at me in shock, I heard Mal's voice ring through my ears,

"Jadah." He called, I regained my composure and turned to him,

"Why are they here?" I let my emotions slip because I have yet to forgive them. The pain they inflicted on me is forever burned into my brain and coming back with a vengeance, making me angrier than ever.

"The question is why are you here?" I heard Warren ask with as much disrespect as he could muster. You see what I mean! They don't even stand up for their ex child in front of their alpha.

"I'm here to train this pack, you didn't know?"

"She's also my mate." He stepped in grabbing my waist shocking me.

"You're lying. Kim's your true mate, you marked her." Mira said as a matter of factly venom lacing her words.

"Oh really? So that explains why when he marked me hers went away." I said backing him up, right before smiling and pulling down my shirt and showing them my beautiful mark. Malachi chuckled at me pulling me back to his side. They all gasped but it wasn't them who spoke this time it was Lauren,

"Baby is that you, Jadah?" She asked as tears were filling her eyes. I looked at her, analyzing her appearance. She looked worn out, her dark skin was drier and not it's usual supple self. Her eyes were dull, her beautiful locks I loved were unkempt and she was frail. This was once the woman who kept herself together, with a sweet demeanor and presence, thick and voluptuous, and hair was always in neat styles.

"Yes it's me. Is that you? You don't look like yourself." I said honestly, tears slowly streamed out of her eyes as her hands covered her mouth in shock.

"Yes it's me baby" she chuckled coming closer,"I thought you were dead, I thought the Dark Knight pack finally got to you or rogues or oh god chile worse!" She shouted getting nervous, I sadly let out a chuckle removing her hands from my face and backing away.

"Yet you never came to look for me." She got quiet before sobbing harder I felt my own tears start to spill from my eyes.

"I couldn't! You had lied to the Alphas about your mate, you shamed us all! How was I supposed to live and survive with supporting that silly decision you made?!" I scoffed incredulously looking around seeing if anyone else was hearing this!

"Are you serious right now!? That's the reason you didn't come looking for me?" I looked up at Larry who looked at me head on angrily.

"What's with the twisted look on your face?"

Looking me up and down in disgust he said,"You. You think you're so special thinking you could leave the pack and steal money from me before you went on your vile journey as a rouge. My mate hasn't been the same since you left do you realize how selfish you are?! What about the people you left worried about you, huh? I can't forgive you for that Jadah." He shook his head turning away from me, more tears slipped out but I couldn't even be upset I was nauseated.

"I don't know who told you she's a rogue but that's false, and so things don't get messy up in here my brotha' I'd advise you speak to my daughter with respect." I snapped my head around and there was Jax in all his terrifying glory. Martin flanked at his side looking just as menacing.

Whipping his head around he took in Jaxs' form, he couldn't even shape words. He bowed in submission. My tears fell harder than before as I walked over to Jax and into his embrace not being able to take anymore. He came to my rescue, he always does, my whole family does. Here they were all here backing me up, sleepy but still alert and present. I laughed before turning around and facing Larry and Lauren again.

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