Chapter 8: "He marked someone else"

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I heard my door being slammed open instantly waking me up. I groggily looked towards the door and saw Georgie hopping on one foot to get her shoe on. I sat up and when I looked at my clock it said '5:30AM'. I rolled out of the covers and ran to my closet.

"Geez Jay you could've warned me." She said covering her eyes.

"Sorry Georgie. I got tired and forgot some clothes." I apologized throwing on a sports bra, some undies, shorts, and a tank. I pulled on some socks and my converse before I rushed into my bathroom to brush my teeth.

When I was done Georgie hopped up from my bed and we both ran down stairs to the kitchen. We ate a granola bar, and some fruit before washing it down with a glass of water. We ran outside and to the back as fast as we could trying to avoid our bodies protests. When we reached them they were standing with their arms folded over each other looking down at us.

"Glad to see you're on time today." We nodded, "Now drop down and give me 100!" Jax yelled at the top of his lungs. We immediately dropped down and started our push ups. Even though my body is sore I didn't get tired as easily as I did before.

"Come on girls you're still moving like old ladies!" Levi yelled circling us and I rolled my eyes.

"Jadah roll your eyes or glare at me again and I'll knock you on your ass!" Levi yelled and that was all it took to make me focus and push myself harder.

When I was done I shook my arms out and stood up to began our tiring laps. But this time we did 50 laps instead of 25.

"Come on grandmas, a snail could pass you at this rate!" Martin yelled from the side of us and I pushed my legs to get his big mouth out of my ear. I kept running and passing them until I completed my 50 laps around the territory and I was spent. I was about to collapse to the ground but I remembered what happened yesterday and stood up.

"I see you remembered our rule." Jax said with a smirk and I rolled my eyes. When I did I instantly regretted it because Jax had me pinned down to the ground by my neck. He moved at such a speed I didn't even see him.

"What have we told you girl?" He asked seriously and my eyes widened.

"Not to roll my eyes or glare." I shakily replied he nodded before getting off of me. When I got up I made sure I didn't roll my eyes or glare at them. Don't want a repeat of what just happened.

"Okay girls stretch then meet us on the mats." Martin said and they walked away. We dropped and stretched out our legs when Georgie spoke,

"They're so strict during training." She said stretching her legs.

"Yeah, I now know to never roll my eyes or glare at them unless I want my ass kicked." I said and she nodded in agreement.

When we were done we walked to the mats where they were standing and an obstacle course was set up behind them.

"Now." Martin clapped, "You will run this obstacle course to work on your agility and then we will let you fight us before we show you some proper moves." He said and we nodded.

I walked over to Jax because I want to kick his ass for pinning me down earlier.

"Coming back for revenge?" He asked with a knowing smirk.

"Oh yeah." I replied trying my hardest not to glare at him.

"Jadah are you sure you want to do this? He will not hold back." Martin warned. The cowardice side of me wanted to fight Martin and take the easy way but the new and stronger side of me wanted to kick his ass.

"I'm positive." I guess the stronger side of me won. He accepted my decision and nodded his head.

When I turned back to Jax I was greeted with a punch to the face. I fell to the ground and the familiar taste of blood was in my mouth, I wiped it away and stood in my position. I ran towards him and threw a kick which he caught, grabbed my arm, pulled me to him and head butted me. I fell to the ground and held my forehead.

You'll Regret That AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now