Chapter 7: "Another day in training"

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After the heads up from Martin, I took off my heels and began to head upstairs. This dress is constricting the air to my lungs, these heels killed my now aching feet, and I'm starving.

I tiredly began the long and exhausting walk to my room. Georgia was outside mingling with the others still having the energy while I in the other hand wanted nothing more than some food, and my baggy PJ's.

When I reached the top I practically threw my heels on the floor and ran to my room. I busted through the door and tried to unzip my dress. I tried spinning in circles while reaching for the zipper, I tried bending over as if that would magically help my limbs grow a couple inches in reaching but no luck. I was brought away from my struggle when I saw Tyler's silhouette between my door. Amusement was clear in his eyes as well as a charming smile on his face.

I immediately sat up straight trying to ignore the blush rising to my cheeks but was unsuccessful so I turned my head, "Umm can I help you Tyler?"
I asked clearing throat with my head still turned to the side.

"No but can I help you with something Jay?" He asked and I could hear the smirk in his voice. I rolled my eyes as if he could see me so I turned my head to face him.

"No you can't, everything's under control in here but you can let your self out." I said flashing him a smile before turning away.

I heard his footsteps going to what I assumed to be away from my room, I sighed before shaking my head. Before I knew it warm long fingers were touching my back. I gasped and jumped in shock but the voice was in my ear, "Relax it's just me." I heard Tyler's deep husky voice in my ear, sending shivers to run up and down my spine. I slowly nodded my head and let him brush my hair to one side and unzip my dress.

Okay this is wrong. He's like my older brother and he has a mate out there waiting from him. That will be selfish and disgusting of me to try and harbor any non-brotherly feelings towards him. I have a mate, who I might not ever see again but he's still my mate and Tyler has a mate who is out there and wants to be with him.

When he was finished I quickly pressed the dress to my chest to stop it from falling off of me. I turned to Tyler who was standing in front of me, watching me with lustful eyes. My eyes grew wide in shock before I slowly backed away from him, he walked towards me like I was his prey and he was the predator as his eyes bled green. I kept backing away until my back hit something hard. Unfortunately I ran out of road.

Tyler kept stalking towards me really slowly until he was right in front of me, his chest to mine and those emerald colored eyes gazing down at me.

"Uh Tyler what are you doing?" I asked putting my hand on his chest to push him back but he didn't even budge.

"I want you Jadah and I know you want me." He said seductively, grabbing my hand in his right before he pulled me flush against his chest. I still had my right arm keeping the dress from falling but he snaked an arm around my waist before yanking it down leaving me exposed in my red bra. I gasped and struggled to pull it up which earned me a growl from him.

"Don't." He said in an inhuman voice which I knew was his wolfs. I still yanked the dress up but he grabbed both of my wrists and pinned them above my head, letting the dress fall back down to the carpeted floor beneath us.

"Tyler don't do this. You have a mate out there waiting for you a-and I have one too, don't put her or yourself through the pain." I tried reasoning with him, squirming to get out of his iron grip.

"But your mate rejected you. Don't you want me?" He asked softly, his eyes slowly returning back to their former color. I gave him a sympathetic look before shaking my head 'No'.

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