Chapter15:"You're in heat"

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I watched as Jadah moved away from me, swaying a bit before she growled and collapsed to the ground.

"Ryder how could you!" I yelled, he's about to ruin everything for us!

"I know I'm sorry, it's just, she was trying to leave me." He whined at the end. I sighed and face palmed watched as she changed from wolf to her naked human body. Unwarrantedly I growled as I felt my arousal start to spike but I pulled back immediately.

Have some restraint will you?

I shifted from my wolf form and grabbed a pair of shorts that were lying around. I saw a battered t-shirt on the ground and slid her body in it, I picked her up bridal style and walked into the house. Everyone was either in their rooms or lounging in the living room. I walked through the front door and saw her family in the kitchen, as always.

I began to walk past them trying to be as quiet as I possibly could, the men in my pack watched closely as I held her. It wasn't in a listful way but in a rather curious way, I still growled to tell them to mind their eyes because she is still semi naked. but when I seen some of the men in my packs eyes bleed black out of lust over my mate. I also gained the attention of her family because they now focused on me.

"What the hell happened and why does she. . .smell different?" Anthony asked coming closer scrunching his nose up eyeing her sleeping form.

"Nothing happened to her, my wolf got out of control and he marked her." I explained ashamed fearing her reaction when she wakes up.

They all knew what I was talking about as they made a face and moved out of the way for Jax to come to the front,

He stared at me sternly, I gulped,"Son do you know what happens after you force a mark?" I shook my head solemnly looking down at her body.

He nodded having restraint from what he actually wanted to say."But that's the least of your worries. She's gonna be pissed when she wakes up, a raging whirlwind of you will. I can't tell you all about your relationship but I know she's not gonna like that." He nodded at the irritated but beautiful mark on her shoulder. It needed to form but I was dazed simply by looking at it. It was beautiful and I was actually happy afterwards, a little worried but happy. I didn't regret a thing.

"Ahhh!" I heard a voice scream and I knew it was Kims. Jadah was still knocked out cold in my arms and I noticed a beautiful silver mark finally appearing on her shoulder where I bit her at. It was two silver wolves leaning up against each other, staring at a silver moon, with intricate designs around it. Kim's mark was never this beautiful.

I looked up from my beautiful mate and saw Kim on the ground holding her neck where my mark used to be.

"What's happening?" She asked looking at her burning shoulder. I couldn't help the smirk that covered my face,

"I marked my true mate and your new Luna." I said proudly. Everyone was happy except her, she growled and when she looked at her shoulder, in place of where the mark used to be it was a red scar. She frantically patted over it,

"I was the Luna where did my mark go?" She asked and I rolled my eyes at incompetence.

"When a werewolf marks another werewolf who is isn't his or her mate, that mark goes away when he or she marks their true mate." Kendall explained waving as she stomped away.

"Thanks." I nodded, he raised his eyebrows.

"Don't thank me, do right this time because if you don't and you break my sisters heart again, I'll personally be responsible for fighting you. Alpha or not." I felt a growl build in my chest as he disrespected me but I pushed it down and stiffly nodded respecting his words. I then turned and began heading up the stairs to our room.

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