Chapter 19

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Harry ended up being held in the mental institution for two weeks, currently sitting on the wall outside the mental institution, waiting on Narcissa Malfoy and Draco Malfoy to come pick him up. He was on some new medicine and required to find a psychiatrist to speak with, again. Neither of these things Harry wanted to deal with. Harry didn't like the fact that Narcissa Malfoy had gained adult custody over him, because the cased build by her and Hermione granger proved he wasn't making adult decisions and still a danger to himself.

He climbed in the back seat, getting looked at all wided eyed by Violet Malfoy, the baby girl of Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy, Draco on the other side of her, as Lucius was in the passenger seat. "You are eating, the both of you." Narcissa said and after a pause. "Then McDonald's. They have grilled chicken now." Harry mumbled. "Anything for her?" Narcissa asked. "Apple plain oatmeal should be fine." Harry said, buckling in. "How come you healed your leg but We couldn't even get a reading over you?" Draco asked. "Because nobody is touching me with magic again. It will fuck them up. Ron will get it one of these times I don't get the punch in Frist." Harry said. "You...had to toy with spells to cause that to happens, Harry." Narcissa said softly. "People shouldn't be fucking worried about what I'm doing." Harry said. "Enough! Keep your mouth shut Mr. Potter. Until you can be respectful." Lucius half spat at the 20 year old, goth purple haired boy in the back. Harry huffed but just turned his attention towards everything outside the window as they went down the road.


Lucius Malfoy grabbed the infant seat out of the car as the four of them climbed out of Narcissa's little Saturn. She was going to upgrade to a bigger car, a van to fit them all. "Mum, Ice been sick to my stomach all week..." Draco frowned. "That excuse hasn't worked since the first time. Just get what he is then. Something about grilled chicken." Narcissa said. Draco frowned, but followed his parents into the fast food restaurant, Harry following beside him, hands shoved in the pocket of his black jeans.
Lucius and Narcissa attention mostly kept to the television playing and Draco and Harry got their own small table a few tables away. "Your....mad." Draco whispered. "I told you, your dealing with somebody who is fucked and nobody will just let me die, okay? I'm not mad, but I fell you are wasting your time in wanting me to be your partner." Harry said, shoving his food away and ease back in the chair. "Nobody wants you to die, Harry." Draco said softly. "You and Hermione arethe only people who say they care. Everybody else would pull the trigger themselves if they could get away with murder. If she'd let me, then she could just move on with her life with him and you could just find somebody else who is actually worth your time." Harry said. "I don't want somebody else, Harry. I want to be able to help you through your problems.." Draco said. "You can't even get a handle on your eating disorder, Draco. How the fuck can you really help? All I'm going to do is cause more stress to you when I am NOT worth it. I'm just used, but everybody and until you see that, your only hurting yourself." Harry said. "...You are worth it..." Draco whispered. "No, I'm not. I wasn't even seen Worthy to be a father, Draco." Harry said. Draco, who had not only been feeling sick, his emotions had been everywhere this last week, just looked at Harry, ready to cry. "I love you, does that not matter?" Draco half cried, but low, to not draw attention to himself. "When you love somebody who isn't worth it, your setting yourself up to be hurt." Harry whispered, seeing the tear fall. "But...I do love you too." Harry added. "I don't want to loose you, Harry. You matter to me and you matter to Hermione. She'd never forgive herself if you died, Harry." Draco pointed out, but the got up and hurried to the bathroom, Harry followed.


Draco locked the bathroom stall behind him, Dropped down on the toilet, put his hands over his face and started to sob as quietly as he could to himself. Harry walked over to the bathroom stall and tired to push. "Draco...please come out." Harry said softly. Draco only reached up and unlocked the stall but kept sitting on the toilet half crying to himself. Harry eased the stall door opened. "I don' you upset, little girl." Harry said softly. Draco slowly looked up at Harry. "I...don't want anything to happy to you, daddy! You don't understand how scared I got, how awful you looked with half hour blood on the bathroom floor and I couldn't save you! I love you and I don't want you to die!" Draco cried, to get pulled to his feet. Harry locked his arms around Draco who just buried his head in Harry's check and sobbed a few more times, before his got a slow kiss. "I'm sorry...I can't...stay my thoughts are going to go away, because I fell worthless, but...I am on some new medicine and going to speak soon to a psychiatrist, it ..should help make it easier." Harry said softly. "Okay...Daddy." Draco said.

Draco and Harry? Locked the bathroom stall again and Harry dropped down on the toilet. "You come here, little girl." Harry said.


"Will you go check on them?" Narcissa asked. "They both disappear into the bathroom, I think I shouldn't. I'm not about to walk in on them...together." Lucius said and Narcissa let out a sigh. "Very well." Narcissa said, so the pair waited on the two boys to come out of the restroom. The only thing noticed, was the red in Draco's wrists that Narcissa was certain would turned into a bruise. Narcissa hurried to two to finish their lunch, because Violet was getting fussy and she needed a nap, and She was ready to get back home before the place got to busy.


Draco ended up vomiting in the toilet the second they got home. Draco wasn't lying when he said he had been feeling sick to his stomach, along with other things, but he didn't want to worry anybody, so he didn't tell his parents. Harry followed, grabbing Draco's hair on putting it into a low pony tail. Draco, after the last bits of vomit, his lunch, was in the toilet, he reach up and flushed it. "You...didn't say anything about being sick." Harry said. "Because it's..random, mostly after I eat, but she's convinced I'm doing it to myself again. I swear I'm not." Draco said, slowly getting to his feet and Summoned his toothbrush and toothpaste, before turning on the sink. "You could have a bug..." Harry said softly. "I don't even have a temperature, Harry. I'm not sure what it is, but I'm not sick and I swear I'm not making myself vomit." Draco said, starting to brush his teeth. "Anything else... abnormal?" Harry asked and Draco thought for a moment. "Just more exhausted then normal and maybe pissing more often, but I drink a lot of water." Draco said after he finished pushing his teeth. He seen a look of almost pain in Harry's eyes. "Then you should try and get some rest." Harry said softly. "I'm fine, Harry. Maybe your right, I'm just getting a bug or whatever." Draco said, before he turned to face Harry, who shoved his hands back into his pockets. "Or...and it is possible because of the magic...Your pregnant." Harry said. "Your joking, right?" Draco asked. "No...I'm not. It's been happening a lot since the war..., You just wouldn't know, because you aren't there, and I would be my luck." Harry said, almost heart broken. "Harry...I wouldn't do such a thing, please say you believe me." Draco said softly, closing the gap between them. "...I wouldn't even make a good father, Draco." Harry said. "Yes, you do, or will." Draco said, placing a light kiss on his lips. "You've...thought about it, having you?" Harry asked. "I few different possibilities, but really...the odds of me being pregnant is pretty low, is it not?" Draco asked. "Not as low as you want to think, Draco. We'd...have to go to St Mungo's, because you'd have to be under the care of a healer." Harry said. "I...don't want to go back there..." Draco frowned. "You have to...I won't...handle loosing you if something goes wrong. It be my fault." Harry said. "No it wouldn't...I guess...let's take a trip. Nothing about this yet." Draco said softly.


Draco wasn't sure if he really believed this, but agreed to go to St. mungo, to see a healer..they would be able to confirm if Draco was pregnant.

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