Chapter Four

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Lucius Malfoy, a middle aged man, who made a lot of poor choices over the years, sat his paper down and looked over at the young woman before him. It was clear to the man that there was a trace of fear, because of the history they had together. She looked exhausted, because she had been up all night and going on over twenty-four hours by now because she worked the day before as well. She was worried, on top of it all, because she was unsure of what Harry's condition would be. Ron was still at more of a dislike to Harry, but she hoped Ron didn't want him dead. "If the two men, can't get along, they'll have to leave. There's an infant in the house. The house will keep quiet." Lucius said. "I'll see to it." She replied softly. "Then it's fine." He said. "Thank you." She said softly.

Draco and Hermione walked back to the bar to get Hermione's small car. She unlocked the car and they got inside and she started to drive them down the rode. "He...said it was fine if...we came over some, as long as the boys can keep... quite so to say." Hermione said softly. "For now...Just you. I don't...want to deal with Ron's hatefulness and...I'm sure of what Potter must think of me." Draco said softly. "Harry, like yourself and your family, isn't the same person he was two years ago. Harry's went through a lot and...I think you and Harry would get along just fine. Harry, might need a pair of eyes on him for a few days and I...have to go back to work." Hermione said. "I'll...think aout it." Draco said, turning to face the window, watching everything go by as the went to the hospital.

Draco followed Hermione, who walked them through a part of the hospital until they reached the emergency department. Hermione walked to the desk and was greeted by the new receptionist working the desk. "I'm looking for somebody who was admitted to the hospital this morning." Hermione said. "Name?" She asked. "Harry. Harry James Potter." She said and after a couple of minutes, she looked up at the pair. "Mr. Potter is still in imaging. I'll have a nurse come find you, once he is settled back into a room." She said and Hermione gave her a nod.

The pair sat down in a couple of chairs, and Draco put his backpack on his lap. Hermione turned to face him. "There's water over there." She said softly, pointing to the big jug of water. Draco frowned. "He told you!" Draco huffed. "He...meant well, I think." She said, but Draco got to his feet, upset. "You realize he is like 30-40% of the reason why I have to take the stupid medicines?" Draco huffed, turning to face her. "I realize you have a bad relationship with your father, but...your relationship with your mother is well, he is seeing to it, she doesn't loose you. At least accept that." Hermione said and after a sigh, Draco nodded and walked over to get himself a small stupid paper cup of the room temperature water, to take the medicine he had to take to keep most of a level head.

It was a good half an hour before a nurse walked up to the pair and lend the down the hallway, to one of the rooms in the emergency department of the hospital. Hermione walked in, followed by a very uncomfortable Draco, who wasn't noticed right away.
The nurses fixed up his glasses the best the cold with some tape, but Harry leg was in a hospital cast, it was broken and Harry had a lot of fun rash on his tan body that Draco couldn't help but noiced. Harry had toned out in the last two years, he was a lot tanner, and the remaining clothes he had on were all jet black. His hair was dyed purple, and Harry had a nose ring in. Draco...found the young man very sexually desirable. "Harry...there's a reason I dislike you riding your bike in a fit." She said softly. Harry let out a sigh. "I'll be fine. Damn bike is totaled thought." Harry sounded more disappointed that his motorcycle was hurt the himself. "Harry." Hermione said softly. "I'll be fine! They don't even have to admitted me." Harry tried to point out. "You'll refuse, I know you. Your leg is in a complete cast, Harry. How on earth are you even planning on getting into our apartment, on the second floor, mind you." Hermione tried to point out. "You shouldn't worry so much, Mine." Harry mumbled, leaning back into the bed he was settled in. That's, when the thin, paler then he remembered, longer blonde hair still in a long braid, resting on his right shoulder, in his muggle clothes with a small backpack on his right shoulder, his hand holding onto it. "What's...Malfoy doing here?" Harry asked.

Harry studied his best friend, who give him a light smile. "A friend, Harry. Who's agreed to give me a hand, because you can't set up in the apartment for weeks with a broken leg, alone." Hermione said. "I don't need a sitter, I'll be fine." Harry said. "Harry." Hermione said and Harry let out a sigh. "Whatever." Harry mumbled, and shut his eyes.

Harry didn't have a head injury, luckily, so it was safe for him to drift off into a light sleep for the reminder of the time the doctors gathered his paperwork and set up an appointment with an orthopedic specialist for his leg. The elder, like, doctor opened the door. "Your Miss Granger, yes?" He asked. "I am." She said, getting to her feet. "I went ahead and set up an appointment with a specialist for his leg, but I don't believe he will have long term effects form the injury." He said, handing over the paperwork.

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