Chapter Eighteen

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So, Draco was just pushing around the small amount of food that was sat on a plate that Narcissa was pretty sure Draco wasn't even going to eat, again, listening to the conversation Hermione was having with his mom. It wasn't of anything of that much of important, mostly Hermione just being friendly and give Narcissa somebody to talk to. Narcissa really didn't communicate with the woman at work. She was still clueless when it came to a lot of things and she didn't want anybody inside her house. She welcomed the young couple, mostly Hermione, but that was it. She still felt out of place in this world, with very good reason.

Once the rest of the finished breakfast and disappear outside of the kitchen, Harry lend over to Draco's ear. "Little girl, you should-" Harry started to say. Draco shook his head. He wasn't going to eat this food and shoved his plate away. Draco's hand got grabbed by Harry, who ran his fingers over Draco's knuckles. Harry nipped at Draco's ear and blew a breath of hot air into his ear. "Come upstairs then, little girl." Harry said and Draco nodded, letting Harry pull them upstairs.


Hermione wondered the house the called home, Draco's bedroom door shut, with a glow underneath it. The pair didn't want to be bothered and it was best for Harry's mental state if they wasn't. Next, was working on getting Draco's thoughts fix, but that wasn't going as planned. The nursery was empty, because Violet was still downstairs in her usually spot. Narcissa was up getting ready for her day at work, worried about any day going by and Draco really not eating. She was dressed and ready to go, when she spotted Hermione, standing in the nursery. She paused and stood at the open door. "Hermione, what happened last night?" Narcissa asked. "Nothing you can help with, Mrs. Malfoy. The boys are busy." She said. "Yeah, often times, but it's being a problem with his...tone. not just toward Harry. You are growing more upset as the weeks go by." Narcissa pointed out. "I'll handle doesn't help I'm stuck in the middle between Harry and Ron, and I can't seem to fix it." She said. "Until Mr. Weasley changed his thoughts about Harry, you won't be able to. It sucks, because I know you care about them both and don't want to loose anybody, but nothing's going to be able to change, if he keeps thinking such a way." Narcissa pointed out and she let out a sigh. "I know...I'm working on it, but it doesn't come so easily, believe me, I wish it did." She said softly. "Well, your welcomed here." She said, before she walked away and headed to work.


Draco and Harry came out the bedroom a couple hours later. Harry dropping on the couch and Draco beside him. It brought Hermione over to them, who was getting something to drink. Little Violet looked over at her big brother, and made a happy little noise, but she nuzzled back to her daddy, his hand holding her close to him. The television remote was handed to Draco, and Lucius took the baby upstairs, it was close enough for her name and he was certain the three of them didn't also want to watch the news all day.

Draco found some program, before the television remote was laid down on the coffee table and a light conversation got started. About nothing really, because Hermione wouldn't answer what happened last night. She knew Ron would show up sooner or later today anyway, and the day would ended a lot when Harry and Ron got in a fight. Got broken and Hermione lost on what more she could do.

Ron did show up about an hour later, after the man woke up and half thrown on some clothes. It kept quiet, at least for a while. Lucius came back downstairs, and after a brief look over at the young man, that he wasn't sure if should be here right now, settled back down in the recliner, half watching the program Draco had once turned on that was long forgot about by the four of them. Ron kept quiet, but once Hermione disappeared into the kitchen to start some lunch, something light in hopes to get Draco to eat. She also knew what Harry would eat, who didn't really share his eating habits with Mr. And Mrs. Malfoy, Draco knew a little, a Lucius hoped Hermione could make something the pair would eat, not just move it around on their plates with a forke.

Ron and Harry didn't even start on English, and it wasn't French either because Lucius knew French, but their tones turned hateful in just a matter of seconds. Lucius called for Hermione, but it was already to late. Ron had his wand pulled and Harry give the punch to his face. It knocked Ron off his feet at shattered the glass coffee table. "Draco, take your sister and Granger and get your mother, now." Lucius said. "But-" Draco started. "No! I can't stop them, and you won't either. Go get your mother before they destroy the house!" Lucius said.


Hermione held little Violet to her chest after removing the girl from the car seat as she followed Draco inside the department store and found their manager. "Hey Draco, I thought you still wanted to work part time?" She asked, before she seen the upset infant girl and Hermione, who really couldn't believe this was still going on. "Draco dear, something wrong?" She asked. "I need mum. Some stuffs going on at home and She needs to come home." Draco said and with a sigh. "Well, it's kind of slow, I suppose you can take her."  She said, so Draco went to find her.

Narcissa drove the car back and Hermione followed her car back to their house, the home they had made in the last two years. The hurried out the car, but Narcissa wasn't exactly sure what she could do. She couldn't have her wand nor could she touch another wand. She really didn't want to either, that part of her past was over.


A mild zap of Hermione's wand, ended up dropping Harry to his knees, letting out a very uncomfortable half grone. Ron, after getting to his feet, stormed out the house and disappeared. Harry for back to his feet, and disappeared up the stairs, Draco being told to follow.

It left Hermione downstairs, who repaired the living room as Lucius took by his fussy girl, who was long upset since being took away from her daddy. "What was that even about Mrs. Granger?" Lucius asked and Hermione looked exhausted. This was getting out of hand and she didn't know how more to help, maybe, Narcissa could help. "I don't...know everything that's been said between them, but Ron gets... vocal on his thoughts about Harry's lifestyle. He doesn't like anything to do with that...and isn't afaird to let it know, but Harry will throw punches, and has, this isn't the first time...but there something else, that I don't know, and I'm pretty sure it has to do with Ginny, but she's off in America some where." Hermione said. "I'm assuming Harry isn't just going to tell you?" Narcissa asked. "No, but Draco isn't the only one dealing with mental issues...Harry's hard to know when it gets bad, until I find him in a bathroom." Hermione said. "I didn't...hit me as somebody who cuts." Narcissa said. "Yeah...his left handed so the bands on his right wrists covers most of it, but there's others, deeper ones, that unless I can get him without his clothes and that's if he doesn't have a charm on place, I don't know how bad it's getting again. I know it is, along with his drinking but he isn't one to ever talk. It's been made worse by what Ginny done and they can't hold a conversation without punches." Hermione said. "Do...I want to know?" Narcissa asked. Hermione glanced over at the infant girl, before back at Narcissa. "It's best not, it's a sore subject, and there's information between Harry and Ginny not told. Harry closed off after the war...a lot changed with him and I have no way on how to get a handle on it." Hermione said. "I'm...going to go ahead and say he doesn't have somebody over him? Legally?" Narcissa asked. "They could care less about him, Mrs. Malfoy. It's just me...and he isn't easy to work with." Hermione said. "Let me see if there's something I can do, alright? I'm not the best with everything hear, but I'll see if I can't find something." Narcissa said. "Sure, but Harry isn't an easy subject." Hermione said.


Draco knocked on the bathroom, that Harry had locked himself into. "Please, daddy. Don't make me get my wand." Draco said through the door. "Leave. Me. Alone." Harry said, his voice broken up.
Harry didn't reply to Draco anymore, so Draco went to get his wand.
By the time Draco broke through the charms Harry placed on the door, Draco pulled off his belt and tied it around Harry's arm. "Mum! Call an ambulance!" Draco cried, half screaming so the sound would travel down the stairs. Harry's band got thrown on the bathroom floor and another, fresh blade summoned, and the attempts to heal Harry's, fail. Harry had long covered himself in spells to keep the past in the past and to keep magic form being used on him anymore after what happened. It wouldn't work, until his heart stopped beating, but even slowing down, because a lot of his blood covered the bathroom floor, the spells would hold.

Harry was took to the emergency department, and would be stabilized, and then sent to their mental institution, for a hold for the suicide attempt.

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