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The weeks went by pretty quickly and it was October 24th, 2006.
Draco pretty much just stayed at Harry's apartment, a little be annoyed at times with Harry's questions and just popping up on him to be sure he was where he was, but today? Nathaniel was sick, so Harry couldn't take him to the daycare and he was struggling to find a babysitter. He couldn't miss another day of work, enough was missed when Eleanor had he flu.

Harry was on the phone with his boss. "I can't find a sitter." Harry said. "You won't have a job if your not here by nine." He said. "Then let me bring him!" Harry said. "Fine somebody to watch the kid, Potter and get your ass to work, or you won't have to worry about finding another babysitter." He said and Harry heard the click.
"...it's been over two months." Draco said, handing Harry the mug of coffee Harry long forgot about. "I told you, we'd talk about it in November, when it's been three months." Harry said. "Do you really distrust me that much, to loose your damn job?" Draco huffed out. Harry let out a sigh and ruffled his hair. "...I suppose so...he should just sleep most of the time anyway. Answer the phone when I call." Harry said. "Promise. You lunch box is in the fridge. It's mum's lasagna!" Draco said and Harry gave Draco a light smile. "Thanks, really. Please, be sure to answer the phone when I call." Harry said. "Promise, go to work." Draco said.


Come eleven, a stuffy nose boy left his bedroom, pulling his special blanket behind him and hugging his teddy bear. "Daddy?" He fussed, looking for Harry. Draco paused the movie he was watching. "Daddy had to go work, little man. I suppose it's time for some more Tylenol." Draco said, coming down the hallway. "No good." He said. "I know, come on, let's get you feeling a bit better." Draco said and picked him up.

Half an hour later, Draco sat rocking the boy who was half asleep. The Tylenol lowered his temperature. "Pappy?" He yawned. "Yeah, sweet boy?" Draco said. "Stay with us. I missed you." He said. "I missed you to baby. I just...it took a while for me to get better, I'm sorry." Draco said. "Stay better. So you can stay." He yawned. "I promise sweet boy. Your daddy and I are talking about stuff like that. You just need to get some rest, okay?" Draco said. "Okay, pappy." He said.

Draco got to the phone when it rang at a bit after one, because he was holding Nathaniel on his hip. "Hey, Harry, I completely spaced. Mum's having to pick us up. I have to get some blood work done." Draco said. "I thought that was at the end of the month?" Harry asked. "it was suppose to be, but he is going on vacation." Draco said. "...Okay, that's fine. His diaper bag is already ready by the door for daycare. Just be sure he has his special blanket or he will get extra fussy." Harry said. "Promise."


Nathaniel fell asleep on the ride to the hospital were Draco was going to get blood work. "Lying to Harry about why you are getting blood work, isn't the way to go." Narcissa said softly. "I fuck up, once, and he'll make me leave." Draco whispered. "Promise me, you'll tell him. You'll have cousdy over the baby because you'll be the brith parent and you never married. You just have to be sure you keep stabilized." Narcissa said. "Harry won our children and he could easily again and I know you know this." Draco said. "Don't give him a reason too, Draco. You keep to your therapy, meetings and his house rules, he won't have a reason to take the baby, but you have to tell him your pregnant." Narcissa said. "I don't know that for certain." Draco said. "I think you do, son. We are going for not only the blood work, but an ultrasound. Please. I know Harry was hard on you, but your better and I know you still love him and he's making you happy again." Narcissa said and after a pause. "Yeah, mama." Draco said softly.


Draco frowned when Eleanor run to her room. "Elly." Harry said. "What happened?" Draco asked and Harry let out a sigh. "Shes been bullied." Harry said, walking to the kitchen and grabbing his bottle of pills, taking one. "Why?" Draco asked. "Because I had a mix kid. Let ten different guys and it had to be him." Harry said. "Harry, it wasn't your fault. Why don't I see if I can help?" Draco said and after a sigh. "Sure...I'll start dinner then." Harry said.

"Elly." Draco said, coming into the bedroom the two children shred. Eleanor was sitting on her bed, snuggling her special bear. "hi...Pappy." She whispered as Draco joined her on her bed. "Daddy tells me some girls were giving you a hard time at school." Draco said. "Because I'm different..." She frowned. "There is nothing wrong with being different, Elly. Your daddy and I love you very much. It doesn't matter what others think, you just be the bigger girl and ignore them. You are sweet and kind and love you little brother." Draco said. "...Its hard...I'll always be different then you and daddy...even brother." She said. "Yes, you will look different, but that doesn't mean anything. I promise, you don't let anybody bother you, I promise it's all going to be okay." Draco said. "...okay, Pappy." Draco aid, getting a big hug.

Draco hit his knees when he stood up. He was having problems, since the pregnancy, with his blood sugar, that's why he went to the doctor who knew about Draco being magical and about this and that. He gave Draco a kit, to help watch it, but he was likely going to have to get some insulin for his pregnancy and there was a possibility he could always have a problem with low blood pressure surger. "Daddy!" Eleanor called for as Draco'd hand went to his head. "Daddy!" She called for again.
Harry slowly pulled Draco to his feet. "I just...need something sweet." Draco said softly. "Elly, go get wash up. Dinner is almost ready anyway." Harry said and she slowly walked out. "I have a couple candy bars, but why are you having trouble out of your blood sugar?" Harry asked. "After the children go to bed, I promise. I'm okay." Draco said. Harry let out a sigh, but placed a light kiss on his lips.


Nathaniel wanted to sleep in the big bed, so he was asleep nuzzled to Harry's pillow. He was still sick, but at least didn't need anymore Tylenol for a temperature.
Draco slowly dug out a small picture. He had a copy of the ultrasound made for Harry, had a few small pictures in his wallet of the children and the new picture of him and Draco on their first date back together out of the house. "...you have another picture for your wallet." Draco said softly. "I don't think I understand. What does a picture have to do with your blood sugar?" Harry asked as Draco slowly sat down on the bed side Harry. Draco tucked a loose piece of his long hair behind his ear, outline his new clear hearing aids. "It's common for your blood sugar to get out of control...during pregnancy." Draco said softly. Harry slowly took the picture, that turned out to be a small ultrasound. "Mum found me a doctor who is aware of who I am, but he knows the truth and has been a good help." Draco added. "...You have to promise-" Harry started. "I know, Harry. I promise...but other then my blood sugar and a bit sick to my stomach, I feel fine. Promise." Draco said.

Harry laid the ultrasound down on the table, before locking his hand in Draco's hair. "You just come be a good little boy. Let daddy show you how you got a baby in you." Harry said, before giving Draco a rough kiss. "I'd like that." Draco blushed.
Draco's wrists were cuff to the headboard and Harry was straddling the young man, giving him a rough kiss. "Hurry, daddy." Draco said. "You just be quiet like daddy wants, let me Rock your world." Harry said, slowly kissing Draco back starting their nearly active.

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